chapter 15

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I got hit around the head and whimpered

I shook my head and looked up



'Aw what is poor wolfy doing out here.   Is she lost' he said and i shifted

'You are going to stay the fuck away from me' i said

'And what are you going to do about it' he said

'Surprise mother fucker' i heard and Lucas took a punch to the head


It was adrian

'Hes with Derek.  Take his stupid ass' i said and seconds later i howled and 2 betas came along

'Take him into the dungeon' Adrian said

'Let's go hunting sunshine' he said and we shifted and ran off

Surprisingly he was fast as me

Actually that's not a surprise since he is the alpha

We ran off and i stopped in my tracks until i heard soft footsteps

I looked around and saw a rabbit and when he stopped hopping i ran towards it and bit it

Not as in to hurt him

But in a way to capture it

'Wow impressive' Adrian said and i let go of it and it hopped anyway

We stopped talking and i looked down at a small pond

'Where are we' adrain said and i looked at the ripples from the right side of the pond

'East side. We came from the south inside the forest' i said and just then we heard a howl

We looked at each other and shifted and as we got there I stopped running and adrian looked at me and shifted

'What are you doing. They need help' he said and i shifted

'Shh. They're other wolves there' i said and we crawled behind a tree to get a better view

And what I saw had shocked me

Derek had nearly 10 of the wolves in our pack on gun point

'Where the hell are they' he said....

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