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Alice watched his eyes drop to her lips...again. He pulled a strand of her hair that covered her face slightly behind her ear. He wanted to seize those lips and shut her up, long and hard. He restrained himself and kissed her instead on her cheek.

"Your temper seems to have definite advantages".
He walked away with a smile on his face. Alice reached up one hand on her cheek, the spot she felt his lips_ Still warm.

She remained puzzled the rest of the day as she thought of him. His graceful stride, his tall self and Powerful form, his rarely spoken words. She was staying and she would be seeing more of him. Her happiness grew like the waves from a sea as she lay on cloud nine. That was enough for the present but the future remained yet a mystery...

All rights reserved. Copyright@AbbyEmmanuel 2019.

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This is a fictional work belonging to Abby Emmanuel.  All characters in this book have no existence outside the author's imagination. Resemblance to places and people are coincidental. All incidents are pure invention.

All rights reserved. Copyright @AbbyEmmanuel 2019.

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