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     She walked down a narrow path and up the stairs to the front door. Larry had handed her the keys earlier. There was a twist and click, then she pushed the door open.
A bright, cozy room  welcomed her with cream  coloured walls, pale yellow curtains with flowery designs and a shining oak floor. The brown sofa sat in  invitation with a matching chair right in front of the raised hearth.
     "Wow" Were the only word that escaped her lips! She brushed pass the spotless counter, the kitchen was medium sized and moderate. The place had changed from what she used to know as a child to something better.

Her room was painted sky blue with sheer-draped windows. The soft blue was repeated in the flower print of her bedspread, only this time it had a little white to go with it. There was a fluffy grey rug placed in the  center of the room. Blinking away the tears that had formed at the rim of her eyes, she looked up and smiled. She took off her clothes and made for the bathroom...


Alicia strolled across the lawn, after breakfast toward the stables. She told Larry that nothing else mattered above the horses and that was where her interest lay. Her faced glowed as they approached the stable. Their attention was shifted to the raised voices coming from a small group gathered around a hazelnut thoroughbred.

"And what seems to be the problem?" Larry frained.

"Larry! Thank God you are back," Shaun sighed with obvious relief. "Rambo has switched into one of those awful moods again. Gave Paddy a bad kick".

Larry looked over to where Paddy sat rubbing at his right thigh and groaning in pain. He lifted a hand to the wounded man's shoulder and rubbed it casually.

"How bad is it lad? Did you break something?"

"Naw. I'm good, just my leg hurts. I guess I won't be riding for a while" Pain was evident in both his voice and face.

Larry nodded twice as his gaze traveled to the hazelnut coloured mare. He didn't know whether to  feel resentment or be amused.
Rambo was the fastest horse on the Meadow but he also turned out to be the meanest.
Reading his thoughts, Alicia stepped into his view and stared back at the mare.

"His eyes don't look mean" She commented for the first time, drawing several pairs of eyes her way.
She began stroking his muzzle and whispering some sweet words to the mare.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you Boss. He's not in a good mood to start with and he doesn't like strangers". Shaun cautioned

"Ah! But we won't be strangers for long..." She moved her hands over his smooth neck and his side freely, down to his belly. She fondled playfully with his nose and that got her a cheerful neigh from him..."You are such a good boy. I bet you are lonely and need someone to talk to".

"Shoot me man! He's never let anyone do that to him before not even you Larry" Jack exclaimed with an accent, from where he stood.

Alicia rested her cheek against the horse's neck, "Animals have feelings too you know and I think he just needs a little love and some pampering. He's a good horse, atleast his eyes say as much"

"Well ya seem to have a pair of magical hands on ya.." Jack gave her a grin expressing admiration "...He still needs exercising though. I'll call Harry".

"No need. I'll do it myself. I think I'll be fine on my own. I and Rambo have some bonding to do".

Larry sized her and gave her a concise nod. Alicia pulled Rambo into the dirt track, mounted him and sped off without another word.
The wind slapped her hair over her face, stinging her eyes. She urged the horse on to the speed he was hungry for. She loved the feel she got from horse riding, she craved speed, excitement and freedom. She lifted her body from its poise position. She felt liberated from her concerns and worries earlier. She felt no weight of responsibility, no pressure, no heart ache.
When the run was over, she brought the horse to a halt gradually and stroked his muzzle. He let out a neigh and wagged it's tail.

Larry smiled down at the rest of the crew who had their mouths wide open as they watched Alicia.
"What were you expecting..., He dusted his hat, stepped into the sun, put it on and let his palms form a fist on his waist. "She is a Shannon after all".

All rights reserved. Copyright @AbbyEmmanuel 2019.

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