3 2 2

Even with the softness of her mattress, her mind refused to relax and let her body rest. Alicia was so excited, sleep eluded her. After the ride on Rambo, she was taken through the stables, storage shacks, introduced to more horses, and exposed to more things she believed she had never seen in her life.
She had a light dinner of chips, scrambled eggs and chicken nuggets. The small dinette set was just about the right size for the kitchen. The auto gas cooker had more to do with magic than technology, she decided. And the washer machine...no, what was it Larry called it, uhmm, machine dish or dish washer. Yea, that was it, the Dish washer_ how it washed and dried all the dishes at just one touch of a button_a wonder!
She put one of the pillows in between her thighs and turned to face the window. Her mind was indeed crowded with new images, ideas and sensations. At some point Alicia realized it would take a while before she could get so sleep. Easing out of the bed, she changed from a her night dress into some comfortable jeans and a Polo, pulled her hair into a ponytail and slipped out of the house quietly into the night.

The night was cool and quiet. The night breeze sweetened the air as the sky was lit by a few stars and a sickle of moon. She trailed the lights to the big  stables. She just couldn't get over the familiar scent of animals, the smooth grass. In short, she just felt overall peace and a reminder of home. Without a second thought she was reaching for the latch of the stable when a fierce grip rounded her wrist and whirled her to face him.

"Who are you and what do you think you are doing?"

Alicia stared short of words at the owner of the angry voice. He was towering over her like some giant, maybe a six foot eight or nine, Alicia tried to figure out. She tried to place a face out of the obscure shadows she saw.
At the moment shock and pain had taken over her voice so she couldn't answer even if she wanted too. The man who had taken her wrist captive seemed to be getting impatient as he squeezed harder.

"Maybe I'll just have a look"...He pulled her roughly into the light and she winced at the pain, "... Move"
As the light spurred on her, he removed her cap and his eyes narrowed.

"What!...You are a girl!" That sounded more like a statement than a question. He immediately released his grip on Alicia who rubbed her wrist insistently as she cast a look over at the figure in front of her. She stepped backwards a little into the darkness as the light affected her sight.

Alicia gathered her voice and courage. "How dare you Mr? Who do you think you are to go around grabbing just about anybody and breaking their bones?
A horse whipping should be in order for this insolent behaviour of yours. A big hunk of a bully, that's what  you are." She finished off rubbing at her wrist again.

An expression of amusement marked her attacker's face. "You might be pint sized but you are packed like a bomb ready to explode at anytime..." He stared at her for a minute and noticed her soft  curves. She could easily be mistaken for a boy. "...I guess you must be the new owner of Shannon Meadows. Your accent reminds me of your father. He was strong willed just like you pose to be".

"Yes. I am Alicia Shannon and proud owner of the Shannon Meadows that is"... Her words were filled with hostility. "...And who the hell do you think you are?

The glare on her face caused a laugh to escape his lips as he tipped his head back.
"Forgive my manners, Mi'lady. My name is Dennis.
Dennis McGrady.

All rights reserved. Copyright @AbbyEmmanuel 2019.

I am so sorry dearie. I know I took so long updating buh I've been going through some rough times lately. And I clearly lost connection to my characters so I couldn't write and I'm working on giving you the best buh I'm back for now. So once again I apologize.
See you in the next chapter love 💋💋

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2019 ⏰

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