XV // Don't Turn Him In

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He knows what he has to do, turn that Peter guy in, but yet he doesn't want to. He thought of Luna, what it would do to her. She said she loved him...

Rafael takes another sip from the bottle of whiskey as his thoughts drift on, and on.

She hated him, that was clear. How could she not? Betrayed by her own father. It's true. He did keep his ex-wife and his son away from his daughter, but he regrets that, a lot. He just wanted someone else to feel the loss he felt. Well, she did, and she hated him for that, or so he thought. He couldn't blame her. He was a dick, doing that. Then why be a bigger dick and do this now, too?

Raf sighs and looks out of the car window. There was the police station, right there. He could just walk in and turn Peter in, it's that simple. He shakes his head and suddenly hits the steering wheel.

He was the reason Luna was in this mess in the first place. If he just hadn't kept Scott and Melissa away from her, she would've never gone to this fucking hellhole, and she would've never met that Peter guy.

"Fuck!" He shouts and hits the steering wheel again. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!" He grabs the bottle of whiskey and lets the liquid stream down his throat.

What the hell was he doing? Alcohol was the reason Melissa sent him away, the reason all of this happened. Still, he loved the company of the bottle in times like these, situations where he didn't know what to do.

Turn him in. He's lawfully wrong.

Don't turn him in. Luna loves him.

What does it matter, she already hates you.

Do you really want to screw up your relationship with your daughter? More than it already has?

She will hate you forever, no matter what.

You could work it out, just don't turn her boyfriend in, it would only make things worse.

Turn him in already.


His heart and mind are arguing with each other. It feels like he has an angel and a devil on his shoulders, telling him what to do. They're both sort of right. Peter is lawfully wrong, he's in a relationship with an underage girl. But he can't turn him in, Luna would never want to speak to him again.

He sighs and buries his face in his hands. What should he do?


They still hadn't heard anything. The police hadn't stopped by, her dad wasn't home yet. She actually began to worry about him, he had been gone for hours. He could be hanging out at the station, but that's not likely, everybody there hates him.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" Peter asks, caressing her cheek. They have moved to Luna's bed, it was already getting late.

Luna shrugs, "Nothing," she lies, but the tears rolling over her cheek give her away.

"You don't have to lie to me." Peter says. He's right. She actually doesn't know why she did.

"I'm worried. He should be back by now." Luna sighs and doesn't hide the fact she's crying.

"Maybe he's just at the station." Peter smiles slightly and wipes her tears away.

"If he was, why haven't we heard from the police yet?" Luna asks. He had been gone for at least 5 hours now, long enough for him to turn Peter in and the cops to show up. The cops in Beacon Hills are slow, but not that slow.

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