XVIII // Please Don't Leave

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As she stared at the thing in her hands, the only thing she could think was: 'What will Peter do?'

She wasn't expecting this. She was pregnant. It happened that night in Paris, 4 weeks ago. The night of the full moon. Peter couldn't think straight because of the wine and the full moon, and neither could she.

Yeah, the morning after, she threw up, but they both thought it was the bad combination of wine and shrimps.

Well, it wasn't.

How the hell was she going to tell Peter, her parents, the pack? Suddenly a word crosses her mind; Abortion. It lingers there for a few seconds but then she shakes her head. No, she wants to keep it.

She's going to Peter's place later, and he will know something's up. He needs to know.

She sighs and buries her head in her hands. He really needs to know.


"Peter?" Luna asks, trying the door. It's ajar, that's weird. "Peter, are you here?" She tries again, entering his apartment. Her heart skips a beat, 'Is he okay?'

"Luna?," the voice of Peter suddenly sounds. He enters the living room dressed in only a pair of black jeans.

Luna smiles and sighs out of relief. "Hey"

"Hey babygirl," he says, walking towards her and wrapping his arms around her.

She doesn't know why but she suddenly gets this pit in her stomach, like she knows she's going to mess this up. Mess up what they have together.

Peter notices and pulls back to look at her full of concern. "What's wrong, sweetheart?"

"I have to tell you something," Luna says, tears forming in her eyes.

"Okay, sit down, baby," He says, guiding her to the couch. That's what Luna loved about him, if she had to tell him something, he wouldn't push her. He would wait patiently.

"I-erh.." She swallowed. This was the moment. Peter was looking at her expectantly. It was now or never.

"If you don't want to tell me, it's okay-" Peter begins, but gets cut off by Luna.

"Peter, I'm pregnant," Luna says softly.

Peter shuts down and his jaw drops a little. He looks into her eyes, trying to find any sign that she's lying. She's not. "Are you sure?"

Luna nods in response.

Peter swallows and looks at the ground. He buries his head in his hands. How did this happen? It wasn't until now that it really hit him how wrong this was, what he was doing. He got an eighteen year old girl pregnant.

Luna thinks the silence is taking way too long. It's a bad sign. "Peter.." She tries.

He abruptly stands up. "Luna, I need some time," he says, not looking at her.

Luna nods slowly. She stands up and places her hand on Peter's shoulder and rubs slightly.

Peter looks up, right into Luna's eyes. O god, he loves those eyes. He nods sadly.
His mother always told him if he loved someone, he had to let them go. Before Luna, he would've been too selfish to do that. But with Luna, he couldn't be selfish. He had to let her go.

Luna turns around to leave when Peter's voice sounds softly. "Luna." She turns back, facing him.

"I love you, more than anything in the entire world," He begins, "and that's why I have to let you go.."

"No, Peter.." Luna shakes her head, "I can't do this without you."

"Luna, can't you see I've ruined your life, your future?" He sighs, "You will be better off without me."

Luna shakes her head, tears rolling down her cheeks. Peter hates to see her like that, all he wants to do is pull her into his embrace and tell her he's not leaving her, but he has to do this.

Because he can't be a father. Yes, he had Malia, but that was different. He never did the diaper thing, or any raising at all. Plus, he couldn't let his child grow up with a father who was a serial killer. He just couldn't.

"Luna. Can you please go?" He says, his eyes burning, biting back his tears.


"Go." Peter says, a single tear rolling down his face, immediately wiped away.

Luna hesitates but eventually goes. She could have foreseen this. The scenario had played itself inside her head a thousands of times, so she was mentally prepared, but the reality still hit her hard. Outside of Peter's apartment, she stood against the wall, silently crying. She slides down, until her ass hits the floor, and buries her head in her hands. She was broken and Peter was the only one who could fix her.

A U T H O R ' S N O T E
A short chapter, once again. I really want to finish this book, but I don't feel like writing. I have a few ideas for this story but I don't really know how long it will take for me to update.

Thank you to everyone who has been reading my book, for being so patient.

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