maths class // Tom Holland

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High School/6th form age (18/19)

"Shut up. You've never 'had a crush' on a girl. Sure, you date them all, but you've never actually liked them."

"Yeah, but...she's different. She's special. I mean, look at her."

He points to you sat in a coffee booth with your group of friends, from his booth whilst he was sat with Harrison.

"Her laugh. Her smile. She's so funny and cute, and she loves Marvel too! Imagine her face when I tell her I'm auditioning for Spider-Man! She'll be all excited and then we'll kiss and then-"

"Okay woah! I don't need to know more, I get it. I just never thought you'd like someone this much."

"I do. I really, really do."


Maths class. You hated it.
It was so difficult and to make it worse, you got a new seating plan every year and it stuck. This one was being sat today so you walked in slowly and regretfully.

You were told to sit on one of the desks at the back and sat down, you started to get your stuff out of you bag. You lifted your bag into the table as you heard someone sit beside you.

"I like your keychain."

You looked up to see a curly brunette headed boy smiling.

"Thanks. I'm basically in love with spiderman." You internally face times as you regretted sounded like such a nerd. Tom could see hat through your face and laughed to himself.

Wow she's cute. He thought.

"Me too. I mean-not like that I mean since I was little I've always wanted to be him like I've always wanted to be a superhero."

"Me too! I've loved Marvel since I was really little and Spider-Man was always my favourite!"

"Wow. That's so cute-cool. That's really cool." He blushes and smiled at your blushing face.

The teacher walked in and began speaking about something boring that you probably won't ever use in your life and Tom whispered in your ear.
Whispering and leaning into one another you said,

"What's your dream?"
"What's your fantasy? Like what do you want to do?"

"I've always wanted to be in a Marvel movie. Like being an actress who plays a hero, potentially teaming up with spiderman and falling in love 'cause that'll be great, wouldn't it?" You said laughing quietly which made him smile. "You?"

"I've always wanted to play Spiderman. And save the girl, if she was a hero too that would be amazing, but I would also love it if 'Peter Parker' saves the girl he's liked for a long time who he sits next to in maths, you know?" You looked at you, smiled at you blushing and turned to ace the front.

You could see him while he was looking at the board at the front that he was muttering different ways to say,

"Will you go out with me?"
"How 'bout I swing by yours-
No, that's stupid."
"I've liked you for a while-"

You then placed your hand on his and mouthed,

"I would love to."

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