want you to be safe // Peter Parker

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(y/s/n - your superhero name)

"Your plan is good, except it sucks so let me do the plan and then it might be really good." Peter Quill said to the group.

"Well how about we hideout in that corner, I'll lure him out with this infinity stone and you can come out from behind?" You suggested which made everyone shocked with the only plan they came up with that'll work.

"Okay...3, 2-"

"Wait!" Peter yelled, which made everyone stare at him confused.

"Why don't I lure him out instead? It'll be better if I do right?"

"Get your own idea Spidey." You stuck your younger out at Peter which made him smile but you could tell he was distressed.

"I-I just want y/s/n to be safe, okay?"

"I'll be fine Spidey, don't worry. And I'm not worried cause I know you've got my back alright?" You said putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Mhmhmhm what about us? Get a room you two!" Tony said which made everyone laugh.

"Let's kick Thanos' ass."

Peter Parker and Tom Holland ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now