Maven meet Memphis

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I opened my phone to see the details that Angel sent me. Names were included but they were irrelevant to me. I just needed their photo and what they had done.

This one is a woman. She had a penchant for touching things she shouldn't, like children. When a male does it, everyone wants to string them up, when a woman does it, no one could believe a dainty female could be that appalling. Newsflash, women are as equally bad as men, if not worse.

I jumped down and hit the pavement, with my boots making a scuffle sound. I walked until I found a spot to wait. I leaned against the wall as I waited. She would be walking by any minute now.

Like clockwork there she was. I pulled my knife and tapped a dumpster making a hollow sound. She stopped and her eyes widened.

I stood up and strutted over to her, "don't tell me you're afraid. I mean a monster like you shouldn't be afraid but that's right, I'm not a child, now am I?

"I don't want any trouble," she gasped.

"Really? Because I'm pretty sure you shouldn't be a teacher either."

"I'll get help. Please, I promise," she begged me as I walked over and looked at her in the eyes. Her fear was plausible. Good. I watched her when I was younger.

How she would gain the kids trust just to abuse them. I never trusted her. I got lucky. I didn't become one of her victims.

She was my first grade teacher and I hated her. She tried once and I kicked her in the face. No one understood where I learned to do that. It was a reflex. She left me alone after that.

Now she was my target. Oh goody. Because when I'm done, she will never hurt another child. Ever.

Before she had a chance to speak I grabbed her by the throat and rammed my hand into her chest cavity, releasing my knife in the process. Blood pooled from her mouth as I took my knife and proceeded to rip out her heart. It's not like she had one anyways.

I released her and she dropped to the ground. I held up the heart and walked away before tossing it into the dumpster. Just as I closed the lid, I heard a noise. I turned to see the one and only Memphis at the end of the alleyway.

Well shit. This night just got better.

I turned to face him. Bring it on old man. I knew sooner or later we would meet.

Raising my hand I waved for him to come at me.

"This isn't the Matrix and you're not Keanu Reeves," he said to me.

"Oh really because I'm hotter than Keanu," I retorted.

"You should be home drinking your milk and eating your cookies. Leave the real work to the pros," he countered.

"Shouldn't you being taking your Metamucil? I mean we wouldn't want you to become irregular, now would we? Or would that be prune juice?"

"You have no idea who your talking to," he said to me.

I rolled my eyes as I held out my knife, "Yeah, yeah, yeah you're the almighty Memphis. We get it. You're a legend. Blah, blah, blah."


"What? Am I suppose to be scared of you?"


"Seriously? You wear a mask," I said walking over to him. I took my fist and knocked on it, "hellooooo. I have toys scarier than you."

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