Time Jump: a year later

857 42 14

Cash POV

I woke up, rubbing my eyes. I looked over to see Bri sleeping peacefully. Then I heard the cry. I got out of bed and went to find out what was going on.

I walked over and said, "you know if you keep crying, you're going to wake her and she is pretty grumpy when she gets woken up."

I reached over the crib and picked up Michael. He stared at me with his blue eyes and smiled.

"Come on, let's get you changed and fed," I said taking him over to the changing table. As I changed him, I thought back to everything. Bri and I argued about her working while she was pregnant. I had to sick Angel on her and Raven.

I didn't want anything happening to the baby. She wasn't happy until Memphis laid down the law. Then when she had him, I was scared shitless. I had no idea what I was doing. It took a couple times of him nailing me in the face with his piss until I figured it out. Now I'm a pro.

I finished changing him and picked him up, carrying him downstairs, to make a bottle. As I waited for it to heat up, I heard a knock at the door. Well, shit.

"Hang on little man."

I carried him to the door and opened it.

"Gimme," Hunter said. No arguing with grandpa. I handed over the baby as I went to retrieve the bottle. Then I heard arguing.

"Hey, gimme the baby."

"Nope should have gotten here first."

"You always get here first."

"Not my fault your slow like you are with your targets."

"Low blow Hunter."

I walked into the room to see dad and Hunter arguing over the baby while mom and Shelby watched. As they argued, I walked over and took Michael from Hunter. I gave him his bottle which he gladly drank.

"Michael meet your grandpas who are a bit crazy," I said to my son. They stopped and looked at me.

Then I heard the voice of my sweet angel, "is it necessary to argue so loudly," she growled. Well, sort of my sweet angel. They looked at her as she walked past them into the kitchen as I smiled.

I looked at Michael, "see told ya."

Alp! Alp! Alp!

"Mr. Lewis, your appointment has arrived," a woman announced.

"Send them in," he said looking at some papers as he leaned back in his chair.

In walked a man who took a seat in chair.


"Well, see for yourself," he said handing him a file.

He took it from him and flipped through the papers, "I see."

"What now?"

"Now, it's time to disband them. They no longer serve a purpose. They did what I wanted them to do, now they are no longer needed."

"We are talking about the assassins, they won't go down easy," he told them.

He turned and looked at him, "they were trained to eliminate a threat. That threat is gone. Their services are no longer needed. Inform them of that. If they don't comply, shoot them on contact. I need this mess cleaned up as soon as possible."

"Merrick, you and I both know, Memphis and Maven will not go quietly."

"Wyatt, it doesn't matter. As of today, their services are no longer needed. We are terminating their employment, along with the rest."

Wyatt looked at him as he got up and walked out of the office.

Merrick got up out of the chair and walked to the window. The agency wanted things to end. Dexter, Dante and Jazz had been eliminated. There was no need for the assassins any more.

The big problem was the agency had other plans which we would all soon find out about. First we were the Hunters and now we just became the hunted.

All hell was about to break loose.

Five years later

Knock! Knock! Knock.

"Coming!" I walked to the door and opened it only to be met by men. Shit I had to act fast but before I could do anything, they barged in and started to take me down. Then everything went black.

"Mommy?" Michael walked over to me.

"Mommy wake up."

I didn't move.

He went over and picked up a phone. He hit the first name he saw, "mommy won't wake up."


"Why won't mommy wake up?"

Hold on buddy, we're coming.

He dropped the phone and walked over to me, "mommy wake up. Please mommy."

A few minutes later, people arrived. He looked at the guy, "mommy won't wake up."

"Don't worry buddy, we got her. Come with me," he said as he picked up Michael. Then turned to Cash and King, "get her to the hospital. I'll take care of him."

With that Hunter left with Michael as Cash and King tended to me.

After that day, life would never be the same.

Oh boy, looks like things are bad for our assassins. Does Bri live or die? Where did Hunter take Michael? Who is Merrick and what is the agency? Will things work out for the assassins?

Guess we will never know or will we?

Hmmm, only I know that answer.

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