Chapter 15 - Suho

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Suho's POV

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Suho's POV

Kris had set up what was basically an emergency meeting between the friends, and he didn't hide his frustration from them all being in different houses.

He'd gathered up Xiumin, Suho, and Luhan, telling them to get the others and meet him in one of the empty classrooms, before leaving to go get Kyungsoo.

When Suho arrived with Sehun in tow, he saw that they were the last ones to arrive, with the exception of Tao. Everyone except the Slytherins and Baekhyun, Chanyeol, and Chen looked confused as to why they were here. Kris cleared his throat when he noticed Suho and Sehun.

"Great. Everyone's here. We have a problem-"

"Wait, Tao isn't here." Lay interjected.

"That's our problem."

"Don't tell me he feels bad again, because I couldn't handle that the first time around" Xiumin said sadly.

"Not exactly." Kyungsoo said tersely.

"Then what's the big deal?" Kai asked.

Kris took a deep breath, sharing a look with Kyungsoo.

"Tao left Hogwarts."

The room froze completely.

"I thought he was feeling better?" Luhan asked.

"I thought so, too. All I know is what he told me when he was packing all his stuff. He said he had issues to deal with at home, and that hopefully he would be back."

"That's it?"

"That's it. McGonagall said he's doing his coursework from home, and already got the assignments ahead of time from his teachers. But if you 5th years wouldn't mind making copies of your notes from classes, I can send him those as you give them to me. I don't want him to be blindsided at the OWLs, whether he takes them at home, or at school."

The 5th years all nodded, still looking shocked.

"Do you think he'll be okay?" Sehun asked softly, voicing the question that all of then were thinking, but doing so quietly, as though he was afraid that raising his voice would break Tao all the way over in China.

Kris looked at the younger boy, a silent desperation in his eyes that the others had never seen before.

"I don't know. I don't know."


Suho walked with Kris to their next class, the last one of the day. The school day was ending early because the Durmstrang and Beauxbatons students were arriving the next day, and McGonagall wanted all students to be relaxed and on their best behavior.

It had been three weeks since Tao left, and none of them had heard a word. Suho knew that Kris sent him the 5th years' notes every few days, along with his own letters. Tao never sent back a response, but Kris's owl always came back looking well fed and cared for, and the boys all knew that it was Tao's doing.

"Has Tao said anything to you?" Suho asked hopefully.

"No. Not one word."

"That doesn't mean he isn't listening, though. I mean, he takes care of your owl right? Even flying as fast as what your owl does, that trip isn't easy for them. For it to come back in such good shape, it has to be getting really good treatment on the other side of the journey."

"Yeah, you're right. I just wish he would say something. Anything."


The boys all sat sullenly at breakfast the next morning, and Suho had never realized how much Tao impacted the mood of the group until he was gone. The mail came in, and Kris's owl came swooping down from its trip to Tao, but this time, something was different. The bird's feathers were ruffled more than usual, and for once, he had a reply. The bird had it clutched in its talons, and Suho saw that the ribbon that was supposed to tie it around the owl's leg was loose. He figured that ths ribbon must have come undone, causing the bird to carry it instead.

Kris immediately took the letter as the boys started handing peices of their breakfasts to the bird, rewarding it for bringing a reply. Suho smiled when he saw Lay smoothing down the birds feathers, worried about its comfort.

They all looked at Kris as he looked down at the note, before he set it down on the table.

"Hey, Sehun? Have you ever seen Tao work with parchment that was ripped? Not just fraying at the edges, but actually ripped?"

"Mmmmmm. No, I haven't."




"Well....I can't really say."


Now that Suho thought about it, he realized that Tao, being a perfectionist at random points in his life, refused to use ripped papers. He distinctly remember a few years back, seeing Tao throw away an almost finished essay purely because the corner of the paper had a tear in it.

He saw the others coming to the same conclusion, none of them having remembered Tao using ripped parchment.

Kris nodded slowly. "This isn't going to be good."

And with a look of resolve set on his face, he unfolded the note and read it. Suho read it over his shoulder.


Kris swallowed, hard. "Tao needs help."

And with that, Kris took the note and strode up to the Professors Table, straight to McGonagall. The boys all glanced at each other, and the 7th years stood and followed him.


Suho stood in McGonagall's office, alongside Kris, Xiumin, and Luhan.

"Boys, I understand. I really, honestly, do. But I cannot in good conscience let you leave the premises into a space that you honestly believe is dangerous."

"But Tao-" Kris started, stopping himself under her peircing gaze.

"Professor, please. He's our friend."

"Yes, Mister Kim, I understand that. I do, because I don't want anything to happen to him either. But that doesn't change that I can't let you go. Now, boys, please, return to your studies."

The disgruntled 7th years turned and left the office, closing the door behind them.

"Plan B?" Luhan asked.

"Plan B." Kris confirmed.

Author's Note:
Cue dramatic music! What is their plan B? Will Tao be okay? Agh, I wanna know just as much as you guys do! We'll find out next update!

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