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"So you've never smoked before in your life?" Calum took a drag from the cigarette dangling between his lips then exhaled slowly. "Like never?"

I laughed lightly. "Nope, never."

"Well, do you want to? I mean you don't have to like smoke a whole cigarette or anything, just try it."

My initial thought was to turn him down. Take the advice I had been given since 5th grade, and not 'give into peer pressure'. If my mum found out she would kill me, and these things also cause cancer. Well, at least that's what I've heard.

I looked around at my surroundings. There was a small park down the street from where we were walking. I used to go there all the time when I was a kid. The sun was shining bright, and there was absolutely no chance of rain today.

I grabbed the tan boys hand and took off running. I didn't stop until we had made it to the back of the park. We were surrounded by trees. There was a bench a few feet away from us, and the ground was covered in beautiful leaves.

"Why are we in the woods of the park?" My friends bushy eyebrows were pushed up in confusion and his hand was no longer in mine.

I just smirked and sat down on the bench. "No one can see us here." Well that, and this has been my safe place since I was six.

I remember running here from my house when the yelling became too much for me to handle.

"So, you are going to try it?" The look on Calum's face was enough to make me smile.

He sat down next to me, and I sat criss-crossed and faced him. "Let me see it." I held my pale hand out and he placed the cigarette between my shaking fingers. I actually didn't realize how bad they were shaking until the little white stick flew down to the ground.

At first, Calum looked annoyed. Then, he laughed. "That nervous huh?" He then pulled a pack out of his pocket, and retrieved another cigarette. After lighting it, he held it up to my lips.

I slowly parted my chapped lips and leaned forward. It was centimeters away from my mouth when I moved back. "I'm scared."

"Scared? Abby, there's nothing to be scared of." He pulled the cigarette back to his mouth. "Look, just do it like this." He placed it between his lips and took a long drag. "It's that easy Abby."

I just nodded. "Okay I can do it." He placed the cigarette on my lips, and I slowly pulled it between them. The end was really dry at first but my mouth wet it a little. I took a drag of the cigarette and held it in my mouth. Did I swallow the smoke? Did I just blow it out? I had no clue what to do, so I just blew it out. I don't even think I inhaled any of it.

My cheeks began to burn when Calum suddenly started laughing. "You didn't even inhale."

"Sorry." I mumbled quietly. Maybe this was a bad idea.

"Here let's try this, I'm going to get the smoke in my mouth then blow it in yours, it might be easier for you to inhale and less will get into your lungs." Before I had a chance to respond he had the cigarette in his mouth. After removing it from his mouth he leaned forward. I slightly parted my lips and leaned closer to him. He slowly blew the smoke in my mouth. It burned as it went down my throat, and I immediately began to cough.

It seriously took me about five minutes to stop coughing. And, once my fit was over we both died laughing. I fell over from laughing so hard; my head was now in Calum's lap and he was hunched over, his torso touching my head. I honestly thought we were about to fall off the bench.

Our laughing session was cut short from my phone ringing. "Hello?" I had answered without seeing who was calling, and Cal was still laughing in the background.

"Abby, where are you? And who the heck are you with?" Oh, it's my older brother.

"Chill out Ashton, I'm at the park with a friend." I laughed quietly after glancing at Calum. His hair was disheveled and his face bright red from laughing.

"Who's at the park with you? It doesn't sound like Amber?" Ashton had always been protective over me. I liked it at times, but it got annoying fast.

I groaned and rolled my eyes before answering, "Calum. Why does it matter?"

"Calum as in the dark haired prick that goes to school with you and Luke? I've told you not to talk to him Abygail."

"Whatever Ashton, I'll be home in five." I didn't let him respond before I hung up. I stood up and grabbed my bag, slinging it over my shoulders.

"Abby, what's the matter?" Calum stood up and wrapped one of his arms around me.

"I have to go home." I began walking, and his arm fell off of me. I wanted him to walk with me, but I knew he shouldn't. If he did Ash would see him, then yell at me for hanging out with people like him.

He jogged to catch up with me. "You want me to come with you?" I sighed and shook my head.

"I think it'll be best if I walk by myself, I'll see you tomorrow Calum."

"Text me! Wait, no, call me!" He yelled as I got further away from him.


I walked into the living room and groaned. Ashton and Luke were laying on the brown leather couch making out. If I were to be making out with a boy in the living room, I'd get yelled at. I'm not even allowed to have boys in my room to work on a science project, but Ashton gets to have his boyfriend in his room because he's gay and can't get pregnant. Guess what, he can still get an STD.

"Where's mum?" They didn't seem to hear me, so I picked a pillow off the loveseat and tossed it at Luke's head.

He flinched then got off of my brother, Ashton sat up shortly after. "Where's mum? Her car isn't here."

"She's still at work, said she'll be home late tonight. I was going to take you and Luke to eat but then I decided to just order pizza."

"Can Calum come over? He likes pizza." I knew Ash would say no, I mainly asked to make him mad.

My brother sighed loudly before looking up at me. He stared at me with his big hazel eyes. "Abby, I love you, and I'm glad you're finally making some friends other than Amber, but Calum is not a good person. You're a good straight A student. Calum has probably never had an A on any of his report cards. He drinks, and smokes, and he fucks anyone he can get his hands on. He's a bad influence." I didn't bother to argue because I didn't know if the things Ash said were true or not. I'm not going to lie and pretend like I know every detail about Calum, I don't. I know almost nothing about him. But, I can tell that he's not as bad as everyone makes him out to be. I have a feeling he's a good person, and it's my quest to prove it to Ashton and everyone else.

//I was gonna try to incorporate a description of Abby in the story, but I don't think I can do it and make it sound good. Soooo, I'm just going to describe what I imagine her to look like down here :) okay so like I imagine Abby to be short, like 4'11/5'0, and what people would call thick I guess ?? So basically she has like big thighs and a decent sized butt (it's not like huge but it's there if that makes sense lol) & she isn't fat, but she's not super skinny either, she has meat on her. She has long wavy, dirty blonde hair, and her eyes are bright green. And I'm imagining her to have a lot of the same facial features as Ashton.

& sorry if this completely sucks lol

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