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I sat awkwardly in between Calum and Amber. The room smelled of weed and everyone was high except for me. Michael, however, must've been the highest.

Him and Amber are now a 'thing'. According to her, they've made out multiple times and he's a great kisser.

"Are you sure you don't wanna hit it Abs, just once?" Calum asked me and held what was left of the blunt out to me. "You don't have to, but I think you should let loose. You're always so stressed and shit. Just relax a bit." He paused then laughed. "Haha that rhymed."

I smiled lightly before taking the blunt from between his fingers. He wrapped his arms around me and said "Hey, you finally decided to live a little."

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes before taking a small hit and passing it to Amber. The smoke filled my lungs and I immediately began to cough, it burned my throat so bad, I hated it.

"Do you feel anything?" Mikey asked as he leaned on my best friend.

"She just took a small hit baby, she's not going to feel anything from that." Amber told him as she ran her fingers through his hair.

"Yeah baby." Calum joked.

He took two hits then went to pass the blunt back to Amber, but I stopped him. "Let me see it Cal."

"Are you sure?" He hesitated before handing it to me. "You don't have to get high if you don't want to."

"I know." I just smiled and then took three hits and passed it to Amber.


"Calum!! Look! The" I began to laugh so hard that I couldn't even talk right "the sky it-it's blue!"

Cal and I were laying in his backyard by ourselves. Mikey and Amber left about an hour ago. I'm pretty sure Cal's high had wore off a little, but mine definitely hadn't.

"Well, of course it is babe." He laughed lightly as he glanced over at me.

"Babe?" I sat up. "Why'd you call me babe? Does that mean you like me?" I turned to face him and cut him off when he went to say something. "It'd be kind of weird if you liked me because we're best friends and we should only like each other as best friends. And plus, I'm not really your type."

He looked down at the ground for a second before replying. "Yeah, that would be kind of weird."

"Hey Cal, lets play 20 questions."

"Okay, you go first."

I just sat on the soft grass for a second, trying to come up with a question. "Oh I got one!" I giggled and moved closer to Calum. "Are you a virgin?"

He looked slightly taken aback, but didn't hesitate to answer. "No, I'm not. What's your favorite color?"

"Blue. How many girls have you slept with?"

"Abby, it doesn't matter."he sighed and bit at his fingernail.

"It doesn't matter, but you have to answer."

"I don't know." He shrugged his shoulders.

"You don't know like you lost count because it was so many, or you don't know like you actually do know but you're ashamed of it?" By that time I was sitting right in front of him. We were both sitting criss-crossed and our knees were touching.

"Like 10. Maybe more. I don't know Abby. How many people have you slept with?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

"None. I'm a virgin, never done anything."

"Nothing? Have you at least made out with someone?"

I blushed and looked at my lap. "No." I spoke quietly. I wasn't exactly proud of that. It was kind of embarrassing. I was a senior in high school and had never made out with a boy.

"Do you want to?"

"I think it's my turn to ask a question."

"Just answer that one first. Do you want to make out with someone?" I wasn't sure if I was imagining things or not, but his face seemed to have been extremely close to mine.

"Maybe. What's your favorite color?" I asked a question as soon as I answered. Maybe the subject would change.

"Red. What would you do if I kissed you?"

I bit my lip. Did he really just ask me that? Was he going to kiss me? "Umm I don't know. Are you going to?"

He didn't answer with words, but action. He leaned forward and pressed his plump lips against mine. Our lips moved in sync and he pulled me closer. I was sitting in his lap and his arms were around my waist. He softly bit my lip and then slipped his tongue into my mouth. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. My hands traveling through his hair, messing his curls up even more.

Suddenly, my phone started to ring. I groaned and pulled away from Calum. His lips were swollen a little and his cheeks were slightly red. I pulled it out of my pocket and saw that it was Ashton.

"Hello?" I answered and stood up. I probably made Cal's legs numb from sitting on them for so long.

"Hey Abby, we're going out tonight, Mum is on her way to pick you up."

"Okay, I'll be ready when she gets here. Love you." I didn't even wait for him to say anything back before I hung up.

"My mum is on her way to pick me up." I'm not going to lie, I felt a bit embarrassed after what had just happened.

We walked inside and went into the living room. Mali, Cal's sister, was sitting on the couch watching a re-run of 'Friends'. "You two smell like weed. I don't know where you guys smoked at but mum and dad will be pissed if it smells like weed when they get here."

"We didn't smoke." Calum said before dragging me upstairs. He dragged me to his room then shut the door.

I looked around the small area. The walls were a grayish color, and he had posters of different bands scattered along the walls.

"We need to make you not smell like weed before your mum gets here." Calum began rummaging through his things. "I don't have perfume so cologne will have to do."

Before I could object he began spraying me with his cologne. It didn't work. I just smelled like Calum, and weed. "Cal, that didn't help."

He walked up to me and sniffed my shirt. "Take it off, I'll give you a hoodie to wear."

"Okay, turn around." He tossed me a hoodie then turned around without any objection. I pulled my t-shirt over my head and quickly put Cal's hoodie on. "You can look now." When he turned around he looked me up and down before smiling.

"Abby, your mum is here!" Mali yelled upstairs.

I gave Cal a quick hug, then began to walk out of his room.

"I'll wash your shirt and give it to you at school on Monday."

Ugghhh sorry I suck at endings :(

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