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He was leaving. He was leaving and never coming back. I knew that wasn't true, but I couldn't help but feel that way. Last night, Ashton told me that he was going away to college, he had been taking online courses but apparently decided he wanted to live on campus. It upset not only me, but also Luke. Mum was happy because she said he would get a once in a lifetime experience.

I was currently sitting in Calum's bedroom with my head on his shoulder. We are both placed on his bed, and I have tears staining my cheeks. "Calum, he's leaving me. It's not freaking fair." I feel like I've been repeating the same words for the last hour. I probably have been.

Calum kissed my head and pulled me into his lap. "He's not leaving you, Abs. He's just going off to college, he'll visit some weekends I'm sure, and I'm even willing to drive you up there whenever you want."

I sniffled and nodded. "Thanks Cal, you're really the best." I smiled lightly and wrapped my arms around his neck. He leaned in and kissed me softly.

Cal and I aren't boyfriend and girlfriend. We actually haven't classified us as anything. We're just really touchy with each other, and we kiss any chance that we get. But, it's hard being so close to him because I'm pretty sure Mum hates him. At first she seemed to love him, but I'm not so sure anymore. I think Ashton has convinced her that he's a bad influence.

I pulled away from the kiss and let out a sigh. "I'm sorry Cal." I ran my fingers through his hair then softly ran them around the back of his neck and up to his jaw.

"What for baby?"

"I feel bad because my family doesn't like you, and normally I wouldn't admit that to anyone, but I'm pretty sure you already know." I pouted and laid my head on his shoulder.

He rubbed his hand up and down on my back. "Abby, all that matters is that you like me. It fucking sucks that your family doesn't like me, but I get it. If I had a daughter I wouldn't want her going out with someone like me either."

I knew I shouldn't have brought it up, he always talks so low of himself and it makes me so sad. "Okay Calum, first of all, stop cussing around me because it's eventually going to rub off. Second of all, if I had a daughter I would beg her to date someone like you."

"You just pretty much said that you'd be a bad mum." I could tell by the tone he was using that he was being dead serious.

I sighed and raised my head from his shoulder. "Calum," I grabbed his face, forcing him to look at me, "you are an amazing guy, and you'd make the perfect boyfriend for any girl. You're smart, talented, creative, and honestly just perfect." I let out a small breath then continued. "You're so sweet, and kind-hearted without even realizing it. You're the best little brother Mali could ask for, and you make your parents proud. And, let's not forget how good looking you are." I giggled, "Ya know, I've never really been into brown eyes, but yours have intrigued me since the first day I met you; they seem to hold so much in them. Every time I look into them, I just get lost in a land of happiness. And your hair, it's so soft and fluffy, and you're so muscular, but you're not overly muscular. Like I said, you're perfect."

"Abby," he paused for a moment and just stared at me. "Don't hate me please, and let me finish before you start talking okay?" I nodded, then he continued talking, "I love you." When the three words left his mouth, I froze. There's no way he loved me, not yet. "And, not in the way you're thinking." He chuckled and pecked my lips before continuing, "I'm not in love with you, I mean I love you as a person. I love you, and I care about you and I always will rather we're in a relationship or not."

"Calum, you have no clue how much you scared me." I giggled as I leaned my forehead against his. "But, I love you too. I'm not in love with you, I love you as a person." I smiled then placed a soft kiss to his lips.

When we broke the kiss he stared at me. "Be my girlfriend."

My response was a giggle and a peck on the lips.

"So, that's a yes?"

"Well I mean technically you didn't ask me a question so..."

Calum rolled his eyes at me. "Okay smart ass, will you be my girlfriend?" His smile was big and lit up his whole face.

"I may be interrupting the moment, but as your father I have to let you know that you should not talk to a girl that way. Especially if you're asking them to be your girlfriend." Calum's dad was standing in his doorway with a stack of papers in his hands. His hair was messy, and he was wearing gray sweatpants and a red hoodie. I had never seen Mr.Hood in anything other than a suit.

Calum groaned, and I just laughed. "Dad, you just ruined it all. Please leave."

"Man I was wanting to stay to hear her answer." Mr.Hood pouted, and it was honestly hard for me to keep my laugh in.

"Well, Mr.Hood, you're in luck. Calum, my answer is yes." I smiled big and hugged him tight. I felt like a little girl that just got a pony for her birthday.

"Yay!" Mr.Hood clapped then turned serious. "It's time to eat." And with that he left the room.


"Um Mali, can you please pass me the mashed potatoes?" My voice was quiet and timid. I hated asking for anything, no matter how small.

Calum's older sister smiled and passed me the red bowl filled with potatoes. "You don't have to act so scared, ya know? We're all nice."

"Yeah, we all like you too." Calum said winking at me as I put a spoonful of potatoes on my plate.

"That is very true." Mrs.Hood smiled. She was in a pair of leggings and a large hoodie, so was Mali. This was my first time actually being around all of Calum's family. They're much more laid back than I expected them to be. At my house, we weren't expected to wear anything special to dinner unless we had company. I guess Cal's family was fine wearing lounging clothes even with company, which I was totally okay with.

"How was work today dad?" Mali asked as she placed her attention on her father.

"It was good, not a very busy day so I was in my office most of the day."

"What is it you do again, Mr.Hood?" I was trying so hard to be polite that I was beginning to get a headache.

"I'm a doctor, and you can call me David." He smiled politely and took a bite of his food.

Dinner with Calum's family was great and it definitely took my mind off of things for a while. I was so glad that everything went well. I believe Cal's family and I mix very well, and I can't wait for the next time I get invited to dinner.

// hey guys :) how are y'all? I like this chapter but at the same time I don't. I kind of feel like I'm rushing things but i don't freaking know. Oh & I have like no reads so I just feel stupid. I kinda wanna take this story down but idk lol.

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