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"Shit, Hunk! Listen to me! Im having a sexuality crisis!" Lance shouts to his friend sitting at a desk across the room. "He's just so.. hot!"

"I dont know what to tell you man, I would say just go for it" Hunk says calmly, contradicting Lance's anxious behavior.

"Yeah, but what if i dont actually like dudes? What if i just think theyre hot? I dont wanna break the guy's heart!" Lance exclaims, laying back on his bed and groaning

"Dude, just go for it. He has a mullet in 2018 which sounds pretty gay, so its likely he'll say yes if you ask him out. And if it ends up you dont like dudes enough to date them, then just let him down easy and stay good friends" Hunk explains, tapping a pencil on the desk and raising an eyebrow at Lance

Lance looks at Hunk and groans again "I hate it when youre right"

. . .

Keith swung from building to building in pursuit of a gang who had just robbed a bank. He kept his momentum as he swung forward to land on the black van the 5 guys were huddled into. He poked his head through the window "Hello there" He joked, catching most of the gangs attention, one threw a punch which caused Keith to pull his head back up "Woah there, buddy"

Keith perched on top of the van while the driver swerved, trying to throw him off. Keith held on tightly before bringing his foot to the front of the van and kicking through the front window. He swung into the van and kicked the large man in the passengers seat right in the chest. The man wheezed and doubled over, Keith moved to the back of the van, and sucker punched the first guy he saw.

Keith ended up in a full length fight, right in the back of a van while a criminal drove recklessly, that was a first, checked off the bucketlist. Keith panted heavily after knocking out most of the guys, leaving the driver. Keith came up from behind and pulled the man out of his seat and onto the floor. Keith swiftly brought his foot to the mans chest, kicking down hard before jumping in the front seat and pulling the car over. He jumped out and locked the van leaving the 5 men trapped inside.

The police came and by then Keith was gone, perched on top of a tall building catching his breath. He checked the cameras he had set up before fighting, the pictures were a bit blurry but close enough. He needed more photos for the school paper and using his secret identity seemed like a good idea. Right?

. . .

Lance was fascinated by Spiderman. The secrecy of his identity, and the powers in general interested Lance too much for his own good. He followed Spiderman's stories and fights.

He sat on the couch, intently watch the TV as the chase was broadcasted. He watched Spiderman's swift movements and punches, fascinated.

"Lanceeee its my turn with the TV! Give me the remote"

"Shut it, Luis"

"Lannnnccceeeeeee" Luis whined, reaching for the remote in Lances hand. Lance smirked and held the remote above his head, enduring his shorter brother couldnt get it

"You're an ass!" Luis pouted, stomping out of the room.

Lance looked back to the TV and Spiderman was gone. Damnit, Luis.

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