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Peyton Grey's boots crunched against the snowy ground as his Samoyed Galileo padded along ahead of him, seeming to enjoy her walk. Peyton pulled down the scarf around his face and let out a sigh, watching as his warm breath turned into steam the moment it left his soft pink lips. Small tears bubbled in his turquoise eyes, bringing back painful memories of the argument his now ex-boyfriend, Logan, had with him not thirty minutes earlier.
"I fucking hate you! Get the fuck out of my life, and never come back!" Peyton screamed, tears streaming down his pale cheeks and over his cute freckles like waterfalls as he picked up a vase with pink lilies in, his favourite flowers. "Get the fuck out of my apartment!" He screamed at Logan, throwing the vase straight at the wall beside his boyfriend.
"If you really fucking hate me that much, then fine! I'll leave!" Logan yelled back, throwing a small, velvet blue box on the ground as he then stormed out of the small apartment, and slammed the door hard enough to knock a picture frame containing a once lovely picture of the two off of the wall and onto the floor with a loud crash.
Peyton's heart dropped to his stomach as he did to his knees, and he picked up the box with shaking hands. As he opened it, a glint of a gorgeous ruby caught his eye; Logan would have proposed to him if Peyton hadn't gotten angry at him over hitting Galileo. "F-Fuck!" Peyton cried out as he accidentally sliced his finger on the glass from the shattered photo frame on the floor beside the box. He had lost the one person who cared. If he hadn't yelled at Logan to leave, the two would be in the bathroom, Logan would be putting cutesy plasters on Peyton's fingers while they laughed and joked, then they would watch a movie and cuddle. That wasn't going to happen.
—• End of Flashback•—
He let out a soft whimper, biting his lip as he closed his eyes tightly.
All of a sudden, Galileo's ears perked up as she noticed a squirrel standing in the middle of the road. The fluffy white dog let out a small growl, and bolted after it.
"Woah!" Peyton yelped, almost tripping over as he was forced to run after his dog who chased after the squirrel who should have been hibernating this late in winter. "Gal!! Slow down!" He yelled at his Samoyed, trying his hardest to run after his now-hyped up dog. But of course, Galileo just completely ignored her owner as she continued to run after the squirrel.

Peyton lost his footing and slipped on some ice, sending the poor brunet flying across the pavement. Just as he was about to hit the ground, something grabbed onto him and stopped him from a harsh impact on the snowy asphalt. "H-Huh..?" Peyton looked up slowly, only to see a rather handsome tanned man with black hair that faded into a dark purple at the tips.

"....Are you alright there?" The stranger's voice was warm yet rough, almost like a crackling fire. It made Peyton's heart melt into a puddle in his chest. He cleared his throat, snapping the seemingly younger brunet from his startled trance.

"A-Ah! Yeah, I'm okay!! Thanks!!" Peyton nodded and quickly pulled away from the stranger, not realising that he was still clinging onto him. "Th-That damn squirrel should be h-hibernating this late in winter! Eheh!"
"Your dog seemed... happy." The stranger seemed to growl a little, crossing his seemingly muscular arms. The shorter lad let out a little whine, somewhat nervous.

"H-Heh yeah, she tends to chase squirrels a lot!" Peyton laughed nervously, a soft embarrassed blush dusting his porcelain cheeks. "Um, I should get going now! I need to get my d-dog Galileo back, heh." He began to sound somewhat scared, obviously intimidated by the stranger's height and looks.
"Mm, I'm Virgil by the way." The taller guy huffed a little and held a gloved hand out for Peyton to shake.
"I'm Peyton and my dog's Galileo, like I said." Peyton couldn't help but mumble slightly as he shook Virgil's hand "I'll see you around, Virgil." 

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