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"Storm Octavia doesn't look like it's leaving soon." The voice on the car radio explained, starting to go on about how people should start expecting floods. Peyton just zoned out, his arm hanging out of the open car window. He sighed softly, closing his eyes as he felt the soft rain hit his bare porcelain skin.

"Peyton dear, get your arm in and close that window before you catch a chill." Peyton's mother sighed, looking over at her son for a moment before she went back to watching the road. They were driving back after rescuing Peyton and Galileo from a heavily flooded street. The brunet lad didn't seem to pay any attention, his eyes still closed as he let out another soft sigh. "Hun, are you even listening to me?" She looked back at Peyton, not paying attention to the pedestrian crossing the road. All of a sudden Peyton's mother looked back and quickly swerved, just avoiding hitting the person crossing.

"Oi! Watch where you're fucking going, you bloody idiot!" The person yelled, causing Peyton to open his eyes.
"Huh? Wait, Virgil!" He called over to him, waving. "Hey, do you need a lift? Mum, pull over!"

Virgil rolled his eyes and huffed, waiting for Peyton's mother to pull over. Once she did, the tall tanned lad got into the back and Peyton scrambled over the chairs to sit beside him.
"Sorry about that, my Mum wasn't paying attention." Peyton smiled apologetically, sitting down next to Virgil.
"Mm, it's alright. God, I really needed to get out of that rain." He ran a hand through his wet hair and then he shook the water off the best he could.

After a few minutes of quiet driving, they eventually got to Peyton's mother's house. "Aaah~ Home sweet home!" The sweet brunet lad beamed as he got out of the car, crossing his arms as he looked at the house that they stopped outside of. "Hm. Nice." Virgil hummed, helping the fluffy white Samoyed get out of the boot of the car.

"Let's hope this storm leaves soon, it's getting on my nerves already." Peyton's mother chuckled, grabbing bags of shopping from the boot once Galileo had hopped out. "Feel free to stay as long as you need to, Virgil dear. It's the least I can do after almost running you over!" The sweet woman laughed slightly again, hobbling a little as she carried the heavy-looking plastic bags in.
"Oh, let me grab that!" The tanned hunk said quickly, taking the bags gently away from the older woman. Virgil huffed slightly as he walked up to the house, waiting as Peyton unlocked the door.

A few hours later, the storm was getting worse. Rain hammered on the window and wind nearly pushed trees over. Peyton let out a soft little whine, noticing that the street was starting to flood. "I don't think you'll be able to leave tonight, Virgil.. The road's covered in water."
Virgil looked up from his phone and looked over at Peyton. "I'm sure I can make it home, there's no need to worry Pey-" He was cut off by a loud cry from the smaller brunet who had been startled by a sudden crash of thunder and a spark of lighting.

Peyton was cowering by the window, his ears covered with his hands. Virgil sighed softly, heading over to comfort him. The dark haired guy gently pulled the freckled lad onto his lap, hugging him close in a comforting embrace. "Tch.. It's just a storm, calm down stupid.. You're safe.."

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