XI: Separated In My Past

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Wandering aimlessly through the hallways, you come upon their main control room. You curse your uniform. If you were to find one of theirs, you could escape more easily. The middle of the room has the most people gathered at, so you step forward to see a projection of the once Death Star base, before the Battle of Endor. Darth Vader's base of destruction. Then a projection of Starkiller base appears, over ten times its predecessor's size. Before you could stop yourself, you walked into plain view of anyone who was even remotely paying attention to you. One was.

Your eyes connect with Leia Organa, an infamous character of myth and legends. Her name, along with Han Solo made the stories upon which kids of newer generations grew up. She smiles warmly in your direction and slowly makes her way to your anxious figure. Thus, causing all attention to shift on you. A man of dark skin gasps and shakes his head, stepping forward. He stops Leia before she gets too close and you frown.
»No, no. No. She can't be here. Why is she here? She's a First Order pilot and she's the General's pet.«
Your frown increases, »you haven't been in the First Order long enough to know what you're talking about. FN-2187.«
»Calm down, Finn. We can trust her.«
»No, we can't. She'll get us all killed.« He exclaims and you look from him to Leia with a stoic face, but frustration in your eyes. »Who in the world are you people?«

Leia chuckles, »my name is Leia Organa. I was a princess, but now I'm a general of the Resistance army. And you?«
»My name and personal information are none of your concern.«
»Alright, fair enough. But I'm sure I could provide you with some desperately needed information about your past.«
»My past is nonconsequential. I've given up a long time ago on finding who I was.«
»No one's past should be left buried.«
You smile wryly at her, tilting your head to the side. »I'm sure you would rather bury your son's past, wouldn't you?«

Her smile falters for a moment and Han takes out his blaster, aiming it at your temple. You wince softly from the cold metal suddenly touching your hot skin, your eyes pointed directly at the princess turned general. She sighs, »we did wrong by Ben. We realised that too late, but he can still be saved.«
You scoff and shake your head, »your son is long dead. Trust me, I've had far too many first-hand experiences with him. There is nothing human left in Ben Solo, there is only Kylo Ren.«
»I don't believe that.« She murmurs and you shrug nonchalantly, »none of my concern either way. I only want to return home.«

»I know where your home is.«
»My home is the First Order.« She shakes her head at your curt answer and you frown softly, rolling your eyes at her childish behaviour. »If you only plan on taunting me then I suggest you kill me right now.«
»I'm not taunting you, my child. My brother... My brother is Luke Skywalker. He is your father.«
Your lips part in pure shock, everyone else gaping at the newfound information. Closing your eyes to mull over the news, you rub your temples from the forming headache. »Such fancyful nonsense.«
»Not nonsense. Luke was training you to be a Jedi alongside Ben. But then things went out of control, Snoke lured Ben to the dark side.«
»He only succeeded because you were horrible parents.« You couldn't stop the words flowing from your lips and you avert your gaze, wondering why you had said that in the first place. Leia chuckles, »you always did have a lot to say in his defense. Unfortunately, everything was true. That is why I have hope Ben can be persuaded to give up the path of destruction he's on.«

Biting your bottom lip, your rub the sides of your face. »I'm only telling you this because listening about Commander Ren in such a way is disturbing and bizarre and hopefully this will shed some light for you. And regards to my supposed father? Luke Skywalker? Congratulate him on the Father of The Year award, alright? Can I be either killed or let go now?«
»I'm all for killing her,« Finn says and you ignore him completely. Han heads back to the projection panel, »show us how to get inside and we'll take you with us. Win-win situation.«
You shake your head, »I am not betraying General Hux.«
»She can't be trusted, Han. First moment we turn our backs to her, she'll run to Hux and betray us.« Finn exclaims again, tarnishing your good name even more. »You learned all that in the one hour you worked for him on the Finalizer? I commend you, FN-2187, you truly surpassed all levels of stupidity.«

You take a step forward and lick your lips, »and just so we're perfectly clear – I started sleeping with General Hux after you betrayed the First Order. So I can't really be called his pet, Phasma had more of a soft spot for me before he did.«
Remembering suddenly how cruel Hux was after the assault in the mess hall makes you shudder. Your fists shake with uncontrollable anger at the memory of the horrible punishment you had received in front of everyone made you lose all respect for him at that moment. He knew you would never attack anyone, you barely even wanted to fight back when you had to train. You didn't even want to fight against Kylo when you were capable enough to parry his attacks. Going back to Starkiller and to the First Order will cause you to be sent to reconditioning. With that, you lose all your memories of the pleasurable moments you had with Hux. You will lose yourself completely.

Your body, filled with newfound determination, moves forward on its own and you rotate the projection of the base to the very bottom. Your finger touches the small square and it lights up a whole new passage that leads to the core room.
»That doesn't exist,« Finn says and you roll your eyes, ignoring him once more. »I used this exit to fly in and out without being noticed by anyone. And that's all I'm saying.«
You look at Han who has a triumphant smirk playing on his lips. He nods in acceptance, »welcome aboard, kid.«
»Don't call me that.« He opens his mouth to retort that he doesn't know your name, so he uses a nickname, but you shake your head, interrupting him. »Don't bother trying to connect with me either, I'm not interested.«

As the preparations for the attack takes place, you sit on the sidelines, staring at various humanoids and humans running around. You bite your bottom lip in anguish as you fist your suit's pants. You have no idea how to explain your arrival on the base, no idea how you'll explain what had happened during your disappearance. Hux might have feelings for you, but he won't believe anything you say. Tears spill down your cheeks as you realise everything you've experienced the past few months will disappear. Someone sits down beside you and you quickly wipe your tears.
»It's okay, you know.« Leia speaks up and you shrug, »I'm not sure I know what that means anymore.«
»What did Finn mean when he called you the General's Pet?«

You smile grimly, »everyone in the First Order knew that I was somehow favourited by Captain Phasma and General Hux. I never really asked why, I figured it was because of my piloting skills.«
»And then you came to love your superior.« She muses and you scoff, averting your eyes from embarrassment. »It doesn't matter now. I'll be reconditioned. Nothing will matter then.«
»But if that were true, then you wouldn't be so adamant on returning. I think you still hope that perhaps Hux will find the love in him to save you from it.«
You shrug and pick at the dirt under your nails, »perhaps.«

Han announces that everything is ready, so him and his two friends are ready to board the Milenium Falcon. You nod to Leia as a form of greeting and head towards your own Resistance jet that you're to fly in with a few following you to make it seem like you're running away.

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