Clearing the Air- Chapter 19

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TOMORROW IS MY BIRTHDAY!!! *le running around like a hyper kid*



Haha! Here ish my chappie!!

Also a strong Alerrine Parkson moment




I sat there wide eyed at Cory. "Corrine, who the hell lit your tampon on fire!? I thought you were over hating him!" I said and she looked like she was about to cry. "We are talking about this after the interview." I said, acting like a mom.

I didn't need Cory blowing up. If either of us blow up again, it would through the universe into chaos. No Joke. We arrived and I got out, straightening my dress. Liam wrapped his hand around mine and I smiled up at him. He looked like he was holding back tears. "Hey, I'm sure she didn't mean it." I said kissing his cheek. I had used a ton of foundation to hide the love-bite he gave me yesterday.

I looked back at Cory and she was walking by herself. I broke off from Liam and went back to her. "You know what I have been thinking Cory?" I asked and she looked up at me sadly. "We need to find a way to get a bigger apartment. Or at least a house."

"Me too!" She said and I smiled at her. I took her hand and heard a bunch of friendly yelling coming from inside.

"Carlos!" Niall shouted and Kendall looked over at us four girls.He elbowed Logan, who elbowed James and they walked over our way.

"Look James, A girl for each of us." Kendall said and I laughed. Tay, Sky and I put our hands up.

"Taken!" We chimed and I went over to Liam.

"Darn!" James said and looked over at Cory. "DIBS!" He said and the boys groaned.

"We got rid of that after the 'Dibs' incident." Logan said and Cory smiled.

"Well, I'm Corrine Parker, but you can call me Cory." She said and Logan picked up her hand and kissed it. I burst out laughing and received weird looks from the 4 men.

"Is she okay?" Carlos asked and I nodded.

"Well, I'm Alexandria Johnson. Call me Al or Alex. I don't really care." I said and pulled my journal out of my bag. I realized that I had two full shelves of my journals at home. Yesh. "Care to start the interview?" I asked and they nodded.


After the interview, BTR treated us to dinner. It was nice. I pulled Cory aside half way through it and we went to the bathroom. "Tell me what's going on." I said, locking the door for the handicapped stall.She shook her head no and I crossed my arms. "Cory, you are not gonna start keeping things from me again. If this all spirals out of control again, you are the only one I truly have." I said and she sighed.

"Am I a burden?" She asked and my eyes widened in shock.

"No! I just wish you wouldn't keep things away from me. I don't want you to ever think that you can burden me. I know Niall feels the same way." I said and she smiled.

"What about Liam? I feel like the only reason he is being nice to me is because I gave him my kidney." She said and I smiled.

"Maybe he's jealous because of all our Lesbian moments. Remember the kiss in front of them at the bar? Good Times." I said and we laughed. "But, Cory. Don't ever think that coming to any of us with how you feel is a burden. And don't keep it bottled up. Gives you frown lines."

"The Kiss that made history!" She shouted and smiled at me. "Eww, wrinkles." We held each others hand and walked out, we were suddenly mobbed be paparazzi.

"Alex! When did you and Cory start dating?" A man yelled.

"We aren't!" I said and we pushed through them. We saw the boys motioning for us to run out the door and that's what we did. By the way. Not easy to do in heels.

After sitting in the limo for about half an hour, listening the sound of cameras and shouts. The doors opened and everyone filed in.

"That was FUN!" Skylar shouted causing all of us to laugh.

"Liam, do you hate Corrine?" I asked after we dropped off BTR.

"No! I could never. I was mad at her after the accident, but I thought we cleared the air." He said looking down.

"Cory, What was your dream about?" Niall asked and she sighed.

"Liam was yelling at me about going to you and Al with my problems, saying I never listened to yours and I just didn't like the fact that he was being an ungrateful prick." She said and after talking about how it isn't healthy bottling up our emotions, we agreed to never do it.

"Well, if we are supposed to be 'out' with our feelings," Louis said, looking over at Cory, "I love you Corrine Parker."

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