Just a break in the story

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A/N: Turns out I had a spark of inspiration...you can thank The Offspring for that...ANYWHORE, I promised it would be more steamy, but you may have to wait a few paragraphs ;3

Billie's POV

was after the interview...after that fantastic kiss that Andy and I shared. I couldn't believe he wanted to kiss me. At least I hope he had wanted to kiss me. God everything was so confusing now. I wanted his loving lips on mine again. They had felt like they were made for me and me alone. I wanted to run my hands over his body. Oh jesus Billie, you know that's never going to happen because 1. you're straight and 2. Andy doesn't love you. But oh how I wish he did.

  I was confusing myself with my thoughts. I had been straight for as long as I could remember. I've never felt these feelings towards any girl before though. When Andy kissed me, it had felt like a piece of heaven on earth. I longed for his touch, for his lips to brush against mine. Why is everything so fucking confusing all of a sudden?

Andy's POV

  I couldn't get Billie out of my thoughts. His perfect body, his perfect hair, and oh god his prefect lips. I wanted him, but I knew I couldn't have him. Every time I tried to think of something other than Billie's intoxicating aroma, my mind went back to him. Always. I've never felt this way for anyone before. Not even my own girlfriend.

  I knew I had to go talk to Billie. Well, not so much had...more like want. I longed to be near him. To push him up against the wall and have my way with him. I might not be able to control myself around him, but to be honest I don't care. The only thing I care about is wrapping my arms around his perfect body and feeling him squirm underneath me.

 A/N: Don't eat me for this being short...it's just a break in between chapters so that you guys know how Andy and Billy are feeling. So what do you think...is it love? Or just lust? ;3

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