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AN: Well this is unusual...an update in the same week :O WHAT BLASPHEMY! WITCHCRAFT! SORCERY! "SHOW YOURSELF TINY SONGSTRESS" (lulz Johnny Depp c: LOVE HIM O3O) anywhore enough of my randomness xP let's move on to the story seeing that's what you horny bastards came here for o_o MIND WHAT THE HELL THEY AREN'T HORNY BASTARDS...or are you ;D KIDDING . . . sort of o3o K I'm done insulting you, you sexy peoples c:

          Mystery Man's POV: 

                  I dragged Billie's body into the back of my car. Andy was going to kill me if he ever found out. Thank god he doesn't know. He would kick me out of the band for sure, and I was in no mood to look for another career. 

                     I focused on the matter at hand, having this sexy guy in my car. I couldn't take him back to my appartment. Ashley would probably be there, fucking the brains out of some random chick he found. I guess a hotel it is then. 

                       The car roared to life, causing Billie to groan. I glanced back at him and thankfully he was still unconscious. His face looked so beautiful, even if he was out cold. I couldn't wait to make him mine. 

                         Just then my phone rang... FUCK! It's Andy.

*start of phone call*

                  MM: Yello? 

                  Andy: Red, blue, and purple too

                 MM: *face palms* Wow I just got that...anyway man, did you need something?

                 Andy: Na I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out...

                 MM: Oh, I'd love to...but I'm kind of busy right now. How about in a few hours?

                 Andy: Banging another chick are we? Aha well alright, I'll let you go. Have fun...BUT NOT TOO MUCH

                  MM: Yeah whatever dad 

*end of phone call*

                That was too fucking close. Thank the fuck Billie didn't wake up. That would have ruined my plans to get him to be mine. 

                 Billie's POV:

                     It was super dark, and I had no idea where I was. I could very vaguely hear a conversation, but it was one sided. So a phone call perhaps? A voice that sounded heavenly, almost like Andy's but less deep. 

                       My body seemed to be shaking, but not violently. I still had no idea where I was, but I heard music. "I got under the grip between this modern hellI got the rejection letter in the mail, it was already ripped to shredsSeasons in ruin and this bitter pill is chased with blood There's fire in my veins and it's pouring out like a flood! Whoa! Christian's Inferno." I recognized my singing, but something was off. There was another voice joining the song.

                          I began coughing and the song was immediately shut off. "FUCK!" I jumped, but was still unable to opened my eyes. This person's voice that used to be silky was now razorblades across my ears. 

                           There was a strange bump, and my eyes fluttered open. I was on my back and looking up at the interior of a car. I turned my head to look at the driver, but before I could he threw a rough towel of some sorts over my head. I began struggling to get it off, but he held it to my face. I started losing consciousness again. I groaned as I was met with the dark abyss yet again.

AN: Just so you peoples know, the song is Christian's Inferno by none other than, Green Day xP Also, you can thank the fantastical person who this is dedicated to for this chappie because without reading their boyxboy called Found At 17 (BoyxBoy) I would have never had the inspiration for this lovely thing xD Anyways, do you guys have any idea who the mystery man is yet? There's already been many hints in this chapter ;3 message who you think he is xP Yes I'm uber mean for not telling you guys yet...who knows, maybe he'll be revealed in the next chapter...or perhaps the next ;D I'm still undecided xD

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