Terrorized and Abandoned

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【May's P.O.V.】


"Hey, Brendan, um, I never got to say this but I really like y-"


"I love you, Sa-"



I knew at that moment, Brendan had left my side. The side he would never depart with. "Brendan-?"

I noticed that my true love became one sided at that moment. Or maybe it was always one-sided when I realized how I felt. The younger brother was on top of his older one, tears dripping and staining the other's face. Before anyone, not even I, could react, he dashed off. Why did Brendan do that?

Obviously. He likes my sister. My luck really sucks, doesn't it? Don't laugh... Sapphire has always been better than me, I just never realized it. Brendan... I'm scared. I'm alone now. No one's here to help me. I felt drops of water fall onto my hands, thighs, and cheeks.

Oh. Tears, my lonely friend, we meet again. A mortified look crossed Ruby's features as Sapphire was standing back in surprise, a white and dark gray-gloved hand covering her mouth.

"...W-What...?" Ruby asked as he regained himself from his shock.

"Dun ask me..." My sister replied, sniffing the air. "May, come out 'ere."

I stood up from my crouching position, covering up my mouth to try to camouflage the tears and hiccups, totally failing.

"May? What? Weren't we supposed to have you apologize to me in person?" Ruby asked, blinking. "Are you still not over me-!?"

There was a sound of a palm hitting flesh, a silence in the air. It's as if the Taillow had stopped chirping. I looked up at Ruby, since my head was down to hide the tears. It doesn't matter if he saw them now, since he was in shock again after I slapped him in the face. Sapphire flinched a bit, looking between us confused.

"I don't get it..."

" 'Uh?" Sapphire asked, obviously not sure what's happening.

"...Why does everyone like you...? I know you're easy to talk to, but..."


"Why did Brendan leave my side for you!?"

And I stormed off, calling back as I turned to stare my sister in her blue eyes.

"I love Brendan."


【Brendan's P.O.V.】


Gah!? What did I just do!? Oh, I know exactly. I was getting along with my brother, and bam, he loves the girl who he met a time ago and now I like her. Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. A sigh escaped my lips and then I remembered. Shi-

I shouldn't swear again.


Shiftry, Shiftry, Shiftry, Shiftry. Yeah. That's good.

But, I left May, all alone. I hope she's not angry, since I ruined her plans of getting Sapphire and Ruby together... But what was she going to tell me? Aww, da-

DAD. Yeah. Norman. Yeah.

I should've listened... Ruby and Sapphire could have just ignored what I did for all they cared. They could've just kissed and forgotten about me...


Crap isn't a bad word, is it not? Eh, whatever.

Crawdaunt. I imagined Ruby and Sapphire kissing, the image being burned into my head. Sure, Ruby and I look alike, but we aren't the same person. Knowing that image was Ruby made me feel the blood pumping through my body. Ugh. I'm stupid, aren't I...


【3rd Person P.O.V.】


"E-Eh, so wat' were ya' gon' tell meh?" Sapphire asked, her strange accent getting suddenly stronger than it was before. When she was nervous, it usually got thicker and as she tried to thin it out, it just got worse.



"I love you, Sapphire. I always have, alright..."

"I knew it! I knew ya did!"

It felt like a 200 kilogram weight was lifted off her shoulders.

"It's just... Ya totally seemed to forgot what we did together... Seems ya forgot I told ya that I loved ya..."

"You told me that?"

"Yeh, retard."

"Well... I would, um, ask you out, but, um..."

"I ain't doing that until dis gets sorted out with my sister. She may hate meh right now, but we love each other. She ain't gonna be happy any time soon as long as this Brenda dude keeps this weird thang up. He's like my bro, y'know? But I jus' can't see 'im that way."


"Whatever, Brenda, Brendan..."


【May's P.O.V.】


My vision was blurry with tears. Arceus, Mew, someone, help me... I was scared. No one was here for me. No, I was beyond scared and alone. I was terrorized and abandoned.


I totally forgot to post this yesterday WoOPs

I got six teeth removed yesterday, so yeah. I seriously forgot ^

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