The note

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I have been inspired to write a Kevedd story. thanks to C2ndy2c1d on deviant art

Go check him/her out! This chapter will be kinda short, but don't worry I'll be updating soon.


"Hey, Double dork!" yelled Kevin as he approached him near his locker.

Edd turned around and looked at Kevin as he placed his hand on Edd locker causing it slam close. Kevin stared at the smaller boy causing him to blush. Kevin was bigger and was muscular,  making Edd feel like a freshman again. 

"H-Hello K Kevin how may I assist you?" Edd asked nervously.

he's so cute when he's nervous Kevin thought.

Kevin pulled out a letter from his back pocket and shoved it between the gap of Edd s  front teeth.

"Read that after I leave" Kevin then quickly walked down the hallway disappearing around the corner.

Edd, still shocked to what just happened. He gently, but firmly pull the note from his teeth.

"Did he have to put it between my teeth?" Edd asked himself.

He unfolded the note and started to read it.

Dear Double Dork,

                           For some reason your all I've been thinking about lately, so how about we go somewhere together this sat at 9 am

                               sincerely, Kevin

                        p.s. you better go got it?

Edd reread the note several more times to make sure he wa s clear on it.

'He wants to go out with me', Edd thought in shock, but he was also flattered.

"How Cute" Edd said to himself with a small smile that spread across his face.

Meanwhile,  Kevin peered around the corner of the hallway to see Edd s  reaction to the letter.

"He thinks I'm cute" ,Kevin whispered to himself.  Kevin had a light blush on his face and a smile, as he walked out of the school thinking about the date on Saturday.

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