chapter 5

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I stepped out of the smooth, black car, and saw an audience of students staring. Although, the stares I was getting weren't all the same. The bimbos had the who-does-that-bi*ch-think-she-is glare, the jocks had the she-is-mine stare, and the others had the she-is-just-another-Ms. Popular look.

All of the sudden you can hear whispers of, who is she? Why is she with Brandon and Chance? Who does she think she is? Oh, please people I'm only here to learn. I said in my mind as I closed the car door. Although, that's partly true.

Six jocks came over with four bimbos sticking on them like glue. Why are there bimbos everywhere I go? I sighed. "Hey," said one of the jocks. He was pretty hot, but he's surely a player. "You are so beautiful," he said trying to touch me. Although, before he can I slapped him in the face.

"Hey, eyes off my sister!" yelled Brandon. My brother yelled after the slap landed on his face. Everyone in the parking lot turned around with a shocked face. Is it me, or is the whole parking lot making a bid deal of the words that came out of Brandon's mouth?

"What the hell, she's your sister?" said the jerk that tried to touch me. "She is hot," he said trying to earn him another slap.

"And you're about to lose something important to you," I said satisfied. He looked surprised at first that I said that then a smiled crept onto his face.

"Ouch, feisty," he said with a cocky grin. “I like girls like that."

"Don't you dare think about going with her," said Chance.

"Who do you think you are? You don't own me! “I said turning to look at him. I need to make sure he knows me good.

"I think I am Chance Singles and I just told them to back off," he said coming a little too close. Seriously, what is he trying to do, play with me?

"Well, Chance Singles, I don't take shit from anybody." I came closer to the point where our noses were touching. The whole parking lot was silent, as if they were watching a movie. Mind your good d*nm business people, I thought. Chance smell was intoxicating and I wanted to kiss him now, but like I said, I don't take bullshit from anyone.

I backed away from him, "Chance, you're messing with the wrong female," I said, and headed inside having the parking lot audience watch my every move.

I made my way in the building and asked a teacher for the office. She gave me directions and welcomed me to the school with a warm smile. The smile of clean, mopped floors and trashy lockers filled the air as I made my way to the office.

The office was not huge or small it was a perfect size to have two people going in and out. I asked the man at the desk for my schedule and his face showed no sign of being nice. Something about him made people want to hide in a dark corner somewhere.

As I was reading my schedule I bumped into something or as I looked up a girl. She was short and her brown hair stooped at her upper back. Her eyes were the prettiest hazel ever and she looked kind of uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry. Hello, my name is Jennifer Styles," I said, holding out my hand to her.

"It's okay. My name is Sarah Horan." Her blush was so cute and her British accent was flirty. I was so caught up in the moment I didn't realize I was still shaking her hand.

"Oh, I'm sorry, but are you new here?" I asked her with a smile.

"Um... no I went here last year, and I was sent to take you to class," she said as the bell rang. "Do you mind me looking over your schedule?" she asked.

"No problem," I gave her my schedule and she had a shocked expression on her face.

"What is my schedule that hideous?" I said getting nervous.

She started to laugh like she was watching a funny movie. "No. It's just me and you have the same schedule," she said giving me my schedule back.

"Oh, then that's nice. We should probably go, so we won't be late," I said holding the office door.

We went through some hallways and I almost slipped on one not seeing the wet floor sign. Yet again, I had Sarah laughing again. Seriously, this girl and I might just be good friends.

We made our way to my first class which was Math. To tell you the truth, I love math and I loved it ever since I was small. I just did not like the name 'nerd' so I kept to myself, but still did homework assignment and took notes.

The class we entered was so loud and wild and got quiet as the whispering started. We entered and a woman that appeared to be in her 30s smiled at us.

"Hello Sarah, who is this," she said in a sweet tone.

"This is Jennifer Styles," she introduced me.

"Do you mind sharing something about yourself to the class, Jennifer?" she smiled. This woman is freaking me out. How can she be so nice in a class that was just acting like a zoo 5 minutes ago? This is not first grade, this is 11th grade, why am I doing such a childish thing?

I faced the class and said, "My name is Jennifer Styles and I'm from Paris, France. My brother Brandon Styles is a senior here." The whispers started to get really annoying as I stood there for 2 minutes waiting for the teacher to let me go to my seat.

"Can I take my seat now?" I asked, annoyed. Dang lady, you have a class to teach.

The teacher nodded at me and Sarah and we took our seats in the back. A boy sitting in front of me turned his head and looked like one of the jocks that were outside in the parking lot this morning. "Hey, I'm Chris Marten," he said with the hottest smile ever. Mother of god, someone help me.

"Hey, I'm Jennifer Styles," I said smiling back. I did find myself liking him yet my brain went back to Chance and what he was doing. Okay, what the h*ll? Why am I thinking of Chance when I can get any boy I want. He can't do anything about it.


As science and English rolled past, I couldn't stop thinking about Chance and my daydreams where getting pretty wild. I had to do the same thing and introduce myself and there were whispers too. What is it with this school and whispering, gosh!

Many boys did want me, I can't argue that, but whenever I thought about it, Chance came into view. I turned everybody down and told them I was not interested, and they looked pretty bad being turned down.

Lunch finally came and I was so happy, I jumped at the entrance of the cafeteria. I got looks from people but ignored them. I got in line and took a chicken salad and a bottle of water. Sarah was pretty cool to me all day and we got even closer when the teacher left during Science because she was pregnant. Okay, this school is weird. Who keeps a pregnant lady as a teacher?

I decided to find my brother and heard they sit outside, so I followed Sarah.

I came to a stop when I spotted someone getting it down with a girl near the exit. "Don't you guys know that not everyone wants to see that?" As soon I said that, I regretted stopping to say anything at all.


Okay SO who do you think it is?.... DUN ..DUN.. DAHHH... haha..




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