Chapter 6

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"Chance, what are you doing?" I said surprised. What is that feeling...Hurt, pain, regret, anger? Why am I feeling that?

"Who the hell are you? And my name is not Chance, its Chad." He said looking me up and down. What the hell? He can't fool me!

"What are you talking about? You can't lie to me." I said, really pissed off.

"Hey, don't get me and my twin brother confused. Although you sure are pretty," he said coming close to me. The brunette he was with looked so mad she stomped off. What is he talking about, he's not Chance? And twin brother? What?

"Sarah, help!" I said, but she was frozen like she was in shock. "Sarah, snap out of it, please," I tried saying before I was pinned to the wall. "My brother can't have you even though you're his ma-"

He was cut off with a punch to his face. He fell down holding his nose. Looking up, I saw another Chance. What in bloody h*ll, is going on?

He came to me and hugged me and electricity ran through my body. The world stopped spinning and I felt like we belonged together. Reality finally kicked in and I pulled away from him and looked him in the eye. 

"What the h*ll is going on?" I said getting annoyed. “Who is he and who are you? And what am I feeling that keeps coming when I'm with you?" I asked, wanting answers.

Chance looked really surprised, for what? I have no idea. "This is my twin brother Chad, and I don't know what or why you feel like this?" he said it like he was hiding something. I knew he was lying, but remembered my best friend.

Looking up I saw Sarah still frozen. "Sarah." I said. Even though we just met she feels like I know her for so long. I ran over to her and shook her. "Sarah, Sarah what's wrong?" I felt tears again, and this time they came out.

Chance came over and took me off of her. "I have to take her to the doctor. Go call your brother," he said commandingly. His voice was so powerful that I ran outside yelling, "Brandon, Brandon! Chance needs you!" Everyone in the courtyard looked over. Maybe I said it too loud.

My brother came so fast I did not see him until he appeared in front of me. "What is it? Are you hurt? Who did it?" he sounded like a concerned parent.

"No it's Chance, his twin tried to get it down with me when Chance came and punched him, and my friend Sarah is in shock." He looked like he was talking to himself then grabbed me by the arm inside...

"Brandon, go deal with Chad while I take Sarah to the hospital," Chance said, commanding again. I felt kind of jealous that he was taking Sarah. Shut up, Jennifer just shut up, I thought.

"Jennifer, I need you to stay at school." As soon as he said that a jock walked past. "Hey James, take care of Jennifer, we have business to do." Just as Chance said that he was gone, just like when he gave me directions to the airport.

"You still hungry, we can get something to eat?" said James. He was tall with blonde hair that covered his eye brows and he was muscular, although not like Chance and my brother, but enough to have girls craving to touch him.

"No. I just want to go to class," I said walking down the hallway to the gym.

My gym class was not that fun seeing as I didn't know anyone and people kept staring at me. I wonder if they think I am bipolar, by crying a few minutes ago and now I'm calm. I just shrugged it off.

The gym teacher dismissed us to go change into our work out clothes. I placed my white shorts on and a sport bra not minding what the girls were saying. Being the first girl out, I saw all the boys were finished dressing and they were all looking at me like I was a piece of meat.

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