Chapter 7

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Chance's POV ( yay :D)

 The feeling of forgetting everything, every problem, every mistake, every sin, and knowing that only one person can't be forgotten. The fireworks display shot through my eyes as her red full lips touched mine.

The way she wrapped her hand around my neck, then started pulling my hair got me wanting to take her right then, but reality hit me in the face.

I pulled away, letting everything that I had forgotten come back. I backed away from her bed, and saw her wondering what had happened. She thought I regretted it. No way in hell did I regret it.

"I'm sorry. That wasn't supposed to happen." I said, exiting her room and walking across to mine. I sat on my bed, holding my face in my hands.

I couldn't stop thinking about her. Her smile, her eyes, those lips... I couldn't control myself around her anymore. I couldn't do anything because she'd know, she feels it. I promised not to tell her her past, but it's getting harder, shit, I didn't know if I could stay there without going to her and explaining.

I got up from my bed and decided to visit my cousin Sarah. Jennifer didn't even know she was my cousin. I walked out my door, hearing sobs. My heart ached. I knew I was killing her, my wolf wanted to go see her, to touch her and wipe her tears away, but I couldn't.

I made my way to the living room and looked at Brandon. He saw through my expression and knew what had happened. I hurried out before he started yelling and scrutinising me.

The pack house was not far from where we lived, but I couldn't live there due to the king's command that I stayed with Jennifer and protected her. She could never know about being a wolf, so that's why she couldn't live in the pack house either.

I parked my car in front of the huge house and made my way to the door. I was suddenly pounced on by a girl. Ugh! It was the slut, Serina. "What do you want?" I asked with no emotion. She seemed to get it and moved away from me.

I climbed the stairs, coming to Sarah's room. She lay there with red eyes, and tears falling every second. I rushed to her side."Are you okay?" I asked, wiping the tears from her eyes.

She looked surprised. "Chad, is that you?" she smiled. "No. It's me, Chance." I felt disappointed that she wanted my fucking brother to be here.

"Ohh." she said quietly.

"I can't believe it." she said, after 3 silent minutes.

"Can't believe what?" I asked, trying to see what she was talking about by looking at her face.

"That Chad is my mate." I was flabbergasted. "I never really wanted a mate, until I heard how wonderful it is to have one." she paused to sniff.

"I only wanted someone to love me, hold me, and tell me everything is alright." she said angrily. "I was so shocked when I saw Chad, I couldn't believe it." she started crying again, she sounded so heart broken.

"I'm sorry. If only I could change that, I would."

"Thanks for being here." she turned and smiled at me.

"I will always be here for you," I said, holding her hand.

"I'm going to get some rest now." I could see it was an excuse for her to be alone, so I said goodbye and went to my brother's room.

I opened the door to see him staring into space. He looked up at me then to the window. "I messed up, didn't I?" He sounded so guilty, like he was never the bad boy in this family.

I sat next to him, but kept some distance between us. "She really wanted that prince charming, but you will never mess anything up." I said, giving him a sad smile.

"I was never the good child, yet I always got you in trouble, and you're sitting right here not yelling at me." he said, laughing slightly.

"You'll always be my brother. I might hate you for being what you were before, and for trying to eat my mate, which I'm still mad at you for, but your mate really needs you right now." he looked at me then smiled, but it quickly faded.

"What if she doesn't like me? What if I'm not good for her? I was always the player, but now I just can't stop thinking about her!" he said.

"If anyone is good for her it's you bro. And you might not be the perfect couple, but start it off slow. Go, she needs you man." I said, patting his back.

He was walking out, but then stopped and turned around. "Thanks Chance." Then he left.

Now all I have to do is face Brandon. Easy, right?


Awww wasn't that nice :D


Anyway comment...... 


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