Chapter 1

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[Unedited October 2018]

      "Hollie, please, just this once?"

      The atmosphere in the restaurant was very hectic, mainly for the duration during dinner time. Taking no notice of any annoying children who jumping up and down and demanding a happy meal from their parents in the queue, I took a deep sigh and selected another chip to eat. A worker decided to clean the next table, beside us plus taking trays away to clear more tables, for other people to use. I looked at Cherrie with a frown, even though I was ripping the chips with my teeth, ultimately taking my anger out on them. Swallowing them, I looked at Cherrie with a death glare.

        "Listen Cherrie, you know I love you and I know you mean well, but I am not asking that doughnut out. He's creepy and I don't like double dates. They are awkward."

        Rolling her hazel eyes, Cherrie scowled at me. She groaned heavily and tucked her dark blonde hair away behind her ear, just so I can see her cross shaped earring. She pouted at me and said, "Look, it's just for one night. Please, for me?"

      She crossed her arms in her cream cardigan, and leaned across the table, looking directly into my eyes. I could see within her eyes, pleading for me just to say 'yes', trying to attempt puppy eyes. Focusing on just her eyes, boring into them, I simply replied, "No."

        She slammed both her hands onto the table. The people around us, who were obviously minding their business, jumped a mile from their seats. I noticed they looked at us in disgust and turned back to their conversations. Some were shaking their heads while some went back to their burgers although a baby, few tables down started crying. The mother looked at us with hate.

        "For crying out loud, please, I'm begging you," she replied, putting her hands together, almost like she was trying to pray.

        Eating my last chip, I grabbed the napkin and started to wipe my face and hands with it and placed it on the tray.

        "For the last time Cherrie, no! I don't know why you want me to go out with him! I said no!"

        Grabbing my bag, I got out of my chair after left my rubbish on the table and left McDonald's. I left my leather jacket on, since I couldn't be bothered putting it off in this place. Scraping my converse across the floor, making my way out the door, I accidently pushed a younger teenager out of the way. I heard the young teen shouting me. I realised it was a chav I pushed. I heard Cherrie saying 'excuse me', too few individuals to get by. At least she was polite.

        "I just want us to go out with each other, with dates like we used to!" She screamed after me while trying to catch up, "Hollie, please just- hang on!"

        I turned around to face her and I took a deep breath. I rub my hands over my eyes and tried to calm down. I felt a headache coming on. The wind outside was allowing my fringe to fly all over the place. The cool air seemed to help me cool down. I appreciated that.

      Feeling myself sigh, I looked up her, with tired eyes. She crossed her arms and bent one knee, while putting her full weight on another. Her lengthy blonde hair, slightly going all over the place when she tried to tucked her very long fringe behind her left ear. Giving up she just let strands of hair go all over the place. Her black vest top was tucked into her high-waist jeans, when her jeans were placed into her knee high black leather boots. She grabbed her cardigan around herself a little bit tighter just to keep warm.

        "Cherrie, I'm just not looking for anyone at the moment. I want get college out of the way, find a job, go to university and then I might look for someone along the way. I'm just not ready. Especially after breaking up with Reece seven months ago, because he had to move in the south east of England because his father got a new job. I just want a single life for the moment, please. That's all I'm asking from you."

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