I forgive you

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Jess' POV:

I haven't heard from Cameron since I was in hospital, Since then I haven't bothered much to talk to my parents either about what happened. I needed some fresh air, it was getting really stuffy in my room,  I walked over to my window but froze and stared closer at the figure in the black hoodie staring right back at me from across the street. It was him. I could feel it.

Cameron's POV: 

I haven't tried to speak to Jess in weeks, even though I really want to her parents forbid it. Since that day 10 years ago they weren't really fond of me anymore. I will make a promise to myself and that is to keep Jess safe. I couldn't really take the distance I have from Jess anymore I needed to talk to her, tell her what happened, she deserves to know. Knowing that monster that is unfortunately my "dad" he will try something else, try and finish what he started. He definitely knows that he has failed his "task" of killing us, now nothing can stop him. I needed to contact Jess, so I called her. She answered on the third ring. "Hello".

Jess' POV: 

As I was thinking about Cameron my phone started to ring, I reached over and saw that it was Cameron, I answered. "Hello". "Hey Jess, I really need to talk to you it's urgent". He said. Urgently? Could he know something that I don't?. "Um OK, I guess you can come over". "Are your parents home?". He asked. Why would that be a problem? "Does it matter?" I replied. "Yes, it does". He said urgently. "Well no they aren't, they will be away for a month, they are on a business trip". I said. "OK good, i'll be over in 10 mins". "sure, bye". "Bye". That was definitely weird. 

(10 mins later)

An urgent knock on the door awoke me from my sleep. That must be Cameron. I opened the door and took one look at Cameron that had urgent bold eyes, he looked like he could shoot someone. Wow, calm down buddy. "Come i-" He had already pushed past me, this dude needs to calm his manboobs, like seriously. "So what's up". I said "A lot" He replied. "Where do I begin" He says. "Well take a seat, please" I say calmly, hoping he will calm the fuck down. "Thanks, I need to start by answering the question you asked me at the hospital, when you asked me if we knew each other". "Yeah, go on" I replied. "Well we do, it's just you don't remember because we were 7 years old and you were badly hurt which caused mild memory loss". "So what happened" I said now just as urgent as him. "My "dad" stabbed you in your thigh, I well I-I just ran away because I was scared, I am so sorry." He said with sorrow in his eyes. "Um, well that's a lot to process, but it was in the past so I forgive you. You were only seven you didn't know what to do, it's seriously OK". I said calmly. He was looking down the whole time, I lifted his head up with my index finger and he had multiple tears running down his face. I wiped them away as he bored his eyes into mine. "An-and the person that shot you, wa-was my dad. I don't know what he will do next". I was beyond shocked and speechless. "Why wouldn't my parents tell me?". I asked now feeling tears welling in my eyes. "They don't want the past to haunt you, but now that he has come back, your parents are probably thinking of telling you. I just wanted to tell you". He said, his head in his hands. I then became panicked, remembering the man I saw outside of my house, Holy shit. That was him wasn't it.

Cameron saw me panicking and soon started to panic with me. "I saw hi-him, he was outside my house 10 mins before you got here". I said now very scared for the both of us. "I'm going to stay with you". He said. "your never leaving my sight again". He said and looked into my eyes filled with guilt, anger and love.

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