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(A/N) Woo! First chapter

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(A/N) Woo! First chapter. Now let's see how long it takes before I finish, edit, and post it.
So Grab some Tea, make yourself comfortable, and here we go.
Without further ado,  T I M E   L I M I T

I remember the panic, and the stress from those weeks, they still linger over my head. I remember not feeling anything at first, being numb to it all, and then I remember when the emotion came crashing onto me.

Much like any other school, mine has always had bullying, but it had never been as horrific as it was this year. Gaten Woods High School has experienced two suicides in the last month, all on counts of bullying.

Harper Morgensen was 16 years old. I knew her personally, but not well. The girl had talent. You name it, she could do it, sing, dance, act. She was supposed to be the lead in the school play this spring. Instead, she took a handful of pills and etched her suicide note onto the bathroom stall. It's still there, I've read it a thousand times by now.

 Harper Morgensen was bullied to death.

James Gettasie was 17 years old. He was a social reject. I had only gone to his lunch table to discuss a project for school, but we hit it off well, and before I knew it I was sitting with him every day. We had gotten to know one another quite well. Always smiling and laughing. He was the sweetest guy you'd ever meet, give you the jacket off his back if you needed it. He used to make sure I ate lunch following my recovery. James played a crucial part in my getting better, but I couldn't seem to play a part in his. 

James Gettasie was bullied to death.

At first, it seemed to be a hard thing for many to grasp. The students of Gaten Woods were eerily quiet. It was as if the school had gone mute. I was surprised to see how many people seemed to care, they never cared when they were alive. I suppose since nearly everyone played a part in their deaths, the guilt lay heavy. 

For a time, everything was quiet.

All students and faculty were given a week off school following the death of James. As soon as they'd returned, the quiet had dissipated. James and Harper were being brought up as if it were a casual conversation. Whether it was people falsely claiming to know them, Jokes being made, or others talking about how they wished someone else would die so they got another week off school. It was always the same disgusting Foul humans talking their disgusting and foul words.

I couldn't stand it. All of the talk and all of the jokes were coming from those partly responsible for their deaths. Those who made their lives so much of a living hell, that they felt nothing could save them. So they took the pills, and tied a rope around their neck, just to get away from it. From them.

Some students were fine, some not, and others were mentally devastated. It all depended on who you were, and what part you played. People would tell others not to dwell on it. But somehow it seemed that dwelling was all I could do. This is more than a bad situation, this is a tragedy. I can't help but dwell on tragedy.

The teachers were amongst those devastated. Most of them anyway.

I took my seat somewhere in the middle of the room and slumped in my chair. My stomach was rumbling, but eating wasn't an option, I would just throw it up anyway.

After a few minutes Ms. Larregs, our social studies teacher, entered the room.

As Ms. Larregs walked silently over to her desk, she took a long look around at everyone, she seemed to be trying to find something that wasn't there. She looked to be in pain. Conversations were being carried on around me, but I tried to focus on Ms. Larregs. Something was about the happen and I knew it. After a minute or two of silent staring, she slammed her notebook on the desk, and everyone fell quiet.

"You," she said, her voice cracking a little, "are the cruelest creatures I've ever met."

And with that, a tear fell from her eye.

Did you like it?
I know it's short, but It was more of an introduction chapter.
Let me know your thoughts about it and if I should continue the book.
Hopefully, the next chapters are better.
Till next time.

It's been three years since I initially wrote this, now I'm just editing it up for fun.

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