Shut Up!

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POV~ Miss Ravira

When we returned to the classroom, I had all of them work on a mini project involving making macaroni projects. All they had to do was make something using the macaroni noodles and then they would have to give their macaroni project with someone they cared about. It was a cute little lesson on giving things to others.

I was aiding Thomas since he accidentally glued his blue crayon to the desk and was trying my best to keep an eye on Lynn's table. Eventually I pried the crayon off the desk and wiped away the glue with a paper towel. He looked at me and grinned.

"Thanks Miss R!" He said and continued to placed small pieces of uncooked macaroni on a piece of green construction paper.

"No problem Thom-"

"These are my macaroni pieces! Get your own!" A whine echoed the classroom and I turned around to see Jess shielding Lynn away with her paper. I hurried over and stood behind Lynn.

"What's going on over here?" I asked crossing my arms.

"She's taking my macaroni pieces and saying that "they are for her friend!" What friend does she have in this class? Nobody!" Jess said angrily. I put my hands to my forehead. Why couldn't these kids just get along?

"Alright. Lynn, I'm going to move you to a different table since every time you sit at the table there's a commotion. And you can always ask me for some pieces for your friend, there's no need to steal Jess'. Jess, please settle down. It's her first day here and she's not been feeling welcome. Say sorry, both of you." I said trying my best to avoid taking sides when I had been taking Lynn's side all day. Both girls reluctantly looked at each other.

"I'm sorry f–for taking your macaroni, Jess." Lynn said holding her head up higher than before I came over to the table. Jess gave an annoyed sigh.

"I guess I'm sorry for yelling at you. Just don't take my macaroni next time." She said rolling her eyes a little.


"Fine...I'm sorry for being mean to you." She said and grew quiet.

"Good. Lynn, I'm going to find you a new place to sit. Let me just help a few of your classmates and then I'll move your seat." I grinned and walked over to where a confused Matthew sat as he attempted to make a macaroni cloud but failed and made it a blob of horribly glued macaroni. I mean, I couldn't blame them. There are only a bunch of five year olds, I didn't expect them to be experts in glueing macaroni to different colored paper.

POV~ Lynn Travison

I watched as Miss R left my table and placed the macaroni I took from Jess in a clear plastic baggie. She stuck her tongue out at me and continued to make her macaroni butterfly.

It's not that I didn't mean to steal them, I didn't know they were hers. I thought it was just one big pile that we all shared, I didn't know they were hers and hers only. My friend came into the class earlier and saw what we were making and said she had to go but wanted to make one with me. Then she left saying her teacher would be mad if she didn't return.

Jess was glueing her butterfly together and I was watching her. I looked at my macaroni hippo. Then at Jess. I was still angry that she ripped apart Bubblegum. I know that Bubblegum was used to getting ripped apart because she's old. Usually my mommy stitches her together again. I know she's in good hands though, Miss R is really nice. My friend agreed with me when I said how nice Miss R was.

I was glueing the eyes of my hippo when I felt someone watching me. I looked up and I saw Sienna snickering. I was confused. Her and Jess were mouthing things to each other but I couldn't make out what they were saying since my other table mates, Christian and Nathan, were chatting and throwing pieces of the dried macaroni at each other.

Are they laughing at me? Oh who am I kidding? All Jess and her friends do is laugh at me. I wish my friend was here. I wouldn't care if all of Jess' friends were here surrounding me. As long as my friend is here I'll be fine. I thought, smiling a little at that thought. It wouldn't be bad at—


I was immediately interrupted by someone hitting me on the head. I looked up and touched my head trying to find what it was. Then I felt something. It was sticky and felt gross.

"Ewww!" I said. Someone had stuck glued macaroni in my hair! I looked at Jess and Sienna who were giggling and pointing me. I knew who the culprit was. Jess' hand was full of glue and she didn't seem to mind as long as I was suffering. I tried to control my tears, sniffing a little.

"There you go, brat!" Jess said in a rude tone. Miss R rushed over and immediately scolded Jess. She ran over to the telephone and called the nurse, probably to get the glue out of my hair.

"That was so mean, you are bully!" I shouted at Jess. She jumped a little out of her seat and her eyes widened.

Didn't expect me to retaliate did you? I thought smirking a little.

"So? You are really weird. You still play with stuffed toys and have an invisible friend that doesn't exist. Everyone always takes your side for some reason. Especially the teachers." Jess lowered her voice while she said the last part. I scowled and felt my hand shaking. I hate Jess. All she does it make me feel bad. I don't know why she's so mean.

"Christian, Nathan, look at her! Isn't she weird?" Jess taunted.

"Yeah." Both of them said in unison and with bored tones. I guessed they were bored of being mean to me and maybe wanted more a reaction.

At least they might stop being mean. I thought as I watched them glue. Jess seemed to realize they didn't care and folded her arms.

"What happened to you two? Both of you thought it was fun earlier." Jess said with her snobby voice.

"I don't wanna bother her all the time. In trying to make a car right now leave me alone." Christian snapped at her focusing on his macaroni project. Jess rolled her eyes and looked at Nathan.

"What about you?"

"Huh? Are you talking to me?" Nathan looked up as if he completely blanked out while Jess was speaking.

"Well I think it's fun!" Sienna said grinning. I rolled my eyes at her.

"Shut up, Sienna!" I said raising my voice and glaring at Sienna. Sienna was about to say something and then stopped herself from doing so.

Good. I don't want to hear them talk mean to me anymore. I'm done. I thought. Jess didn't say anything either. All I wanted was this day to be over so that I could ask my parents to hang out with the only person I liked here.

My best friend.


Ahhh sorry it kinda sucked! I was doing homework while writing this and I got distracted so it may not be my best effort. However, here it is. Chapter 9. The second to last one :3

Thanks for your reads, comments, and votes! I really appreciate it. Can't believe I have 100 reads :D

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