What's Her Name?

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POV~ Miss Ravira

I glanced at the clock above the door and let out a sigh of relief. 3:01pm. School ended at 3:25pm. Lynn would finally get to go home to her parents and I had already prepared an email to send to Mr. and Mrs. Travison about Lynn's entire day and how worried I am for her. This entire day was stressful and I couldn't wait to go home and go to the park with Bubba later.

I allowed the class to play with the toys in the back for finishing their macaroni projects so quickly. However, I made Jess and Sienna sit in the corner since Jess had glued macaroni in Lynn's hair. The nurse managed to clean it up, it was surprisingly easy for the nurse to rid of all that glue. I also moved her seat. Lynn now sat at the table with David, Thomas, Jack, and Hannah. I put Bridget at Jess' table and Lynn now took Bridget's place. The table didn't really talk to her but they didn't bother her. They simply just acted as if nothing changed. It was good change for Lynn and she was happier at her new table.

I was stapling some posters to a poster board at a desk toward the back of the classroom when Lynn walked up to me.

"Miss R, I have a question." She asked softly.

"What's your question?" I asked her, placing the stapler down on the desk and directed all my attention to Lynn.

"Do you think my parents will like my friend?" She said, rubbing her hands together nervously.

"I think they will. I don't know your friend personally but I'm sure she's a nice girl with a sweet personality." I spoke with a warm tone, trying to give Lynn some hope. Her silver eyes shined with gratefulness and she smiled brightly.

"I hope we can play together in the snow this Saturday! I've never really had anyone my age to play with in the snow." She said her smile fading a bit. I tilted my head to the side.

"Why is that?"

"My cousins are too young. They are only two months old. I can't play with them. My parents do play in the snow with me but I've never had a playmate before. I hope my parents will let me hang out with her. She said her parents don't care at all!" Lynn chimed with happiness. I felt a bit of sadness rush over me. It made me sad to hear that she didn't have any friends before but happy that she's finally going to be able to hang out with somebody.

"Well I hope you have fun in the snow with her." I grinned.

"Me too. She wants to catch penguins but I told her that would be very difficult." Lynn said completely certain that penguins lived near our town. She skipped away toward the dollhouse and began to play with the dolls there humming to herself.

At least she found somebody to play with. I thought.


It was only about 3:16 and some of the students had already stopped playing and they were seated in their desks. Others didn't even bother to look at the clock and were rummaging through toys and pretending to be different occupations. I was hanging up that poster with some tape on the wall which may have not been ideal since it could peel the paint off. But, I didn't have much so I just resorted to using clear packaging tape.

I finished hanging the poster up and glanced over my shoulder at the class and saw Christian standing right in front of my desk with his Power Ranger backpack on his shoulders.

"Miss R. I have a question." He said his voice growing quieter with every word.

"What's wrong?" I asked the boy. He was never this quiet in class. He was rowdy and rambunctious, what could have made him act so quiet?

He began to speak but mumbled toward the end of his sentence so it was inaudible to me.

"Christian, you have to speak louder I can't hear you." I said leaning forward so I could hear him better.

Lynn's New FriendTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon