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I was currently standing next to Finn who had been walking back and forth for the past twenty minutes. Lincoln was in charge to try and save Clarke as he was better at disguising himself with our people than me.

My job was to start the signal fire.

As I started the signal fire, Finn gave me a confused expression.

"Why are you starting a fire?" He questioned as he ran his hand through his hair. I ignored him because there was no point in explaining it to him yet.

"We need to leave." I ordered him as I started running away from the fire. Once we had reached the destination Lincoln and I had agreed on I felt pity towards the boy, he was confused as to what was going on.

"It is a signal fire. Anya is going to think that there is danger coming towards her so she will be alarmed and will want to keep on moving." I informed him as I heard a horse making it's way towards us making me pull Finn down.

I signaled him to stay quiet.

I let out a sigh in relief once I had noticed it was Lincoln. He had gotten off the horse and pulled Clarke off before removing the rope from her hands.

As Clarke's eyes reached mine, I felt my eyes soften.

"Aspen." She sighed in relief as she ran towards me and wrapped her arms around me.

I awkwardly stood there, until she had let go of me. As her eyes met Finn's she had quickly wrapped her arms around him.

I walked past them and made my way towards Lincoln.

"The signal fire, that was you?" She questioned as she stared at both Lincoln and I. I gave her a firm nod and stared at Lincoln who's eyes never met Clarke's.

I stared onto the direction Lincoln was staring at and saw that they had turned the signal fire off. They know.

"I'd say it worked." Finn smiled.

"Not well enough." Lincoln added.

They know that Lincoln had betrayed them and helped Clarke escape.

"What's it mean?" The boy asked as he stared at me with his eyebrows furrowed.

"It means Anya knows Clarke is not dead. We need to hurry."

Before Lincoln let the horse free he grabbed something from that was hanging from the horses rope making a smile form onto my lips as he handed it towards me. It was my sword, he retrieved it for me.

"Let's go." I ordered the two teens as I started running. Although I was happy to have my sword we needed to leave before Anya reached us.

As we reached the tunnels I let out a shaky breath as I stared at the entrance. If we were to enter there was no telling if we would survive in there. The reapers are ruthless and do not hesitate on killing.

"Come on. It's right up here." Lincoln informed them as we all stared at the entrance. "What is?" Finn questioned as he let out a deep breaths from all the running we had been doing.

"Someplace they won't follow." He answered as he gave them a slight push into the darkness. A part of me knew that if we entered we'd be at risk but it was better than being caught by Anya and then being taken to the commander, Lexa.

Lexa and I are family as her mother was the woman who had raised me and saved me from the painful death I was going to receive. Lexa was born a year after my mother protected me. She had struggled so long to bare a child and once she had gotten one that wasn't truly hers she found herself to be pregnant with a girl.

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