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Bellamy and I had been running for a few hours before someone called out his name making me quickly turn ready to attack but stopped once I noticed it was two of his people.

"Get back down." Bellamy ordered them as we all hid behind a fallen tree. "You were followed?" They questioned making me roll my eyes at their dumb question. "Quiet." Bellamy quickly shut them up as I stared at our surroundings looking for any form of a threat.

"Have you see Finn?" Bellamy questioned as he turned to look at them. "Finn's alive?" The boy asked Bellamy. "He was. We got separated. We knew the fire was coming, so we ran. But one of them followed. How'd you guys get out?" Bellamy finally asked the two the obvious question which could easily had been answered which was that instead of fighting for their people they chose to run like cowards.

"We, uh, saw The Ark come down, and we thought we'd come get help. Piece of it came down this way. Monroe thinks it's Mecha, but personally I thi-" before he had any chance to continue I picked up my hand to shut him off.

"We have company." I stated as I walked away from them and made my way towards the noise.

"Finn." I whispered to Bellamy as we watched Tristan slit a guys throat before handing Finn someone water.

Tristan had gotten back into his horse and rode away making me quietly follow after them.

After a few minutes of following them Bellamy began to give them a pep talk that I really did not feel like listening to so I just ignored him and focused on a plan to get Finn back.

"Bellamy and I will go for Tristan while the girl sets Finn free so that's going to be five on one." I ordered as I took out my sword and stared at the little group besides me. "What about me?" The boy questioned. "Try not to die. Let's go." I stated as I ran towards Tristan with Bellamy besides me.

"Tristan!" I screamed loudly enough for him to hear me which I succeeded as he had quickly stopped and turned his horse around.

"Aspen. Bellamy. Get out of here!" Finn screamed as Tristan charged over to us and hit Bellamy with a hammer causing him to loose consciousness. I turned around to see that the cowards had left us to fend for ourselves.

"Aspen." Trusted gritted as he stepped off his horse and walked towards me. "What afraid that I'll beat you again?" I smirked as I swung my sword at him.

He blocked my swing with his hammer and kicked me in the stomach making me groan in pain.

"I hated you ever since you laid a foot into our lands." He angrily snapped as he grabbed me by the hair and bend down so that we could be eye to eye.

"Good because that makes killing you way easier than it is already." I smiled as I shoved my sword into his stomach while he had also gotten shot in the head making his blood splatter onto my face.

The girl and the boy came out screaming making me glare at them and signal them to help Finn out. "Bellamy." I said as I ran towards him and kneeled down next to him to see that he was regaining consciousness. "Hey." He sighed as he stared at me with an emotion I couldn't quite comprehend at the moment.

"We're here now." A man said from behind me making me turn to see a guy holding a gun.

The man walked up to us and kept his eyes on me as if trying to figure out who I was. "Come on." I told Bellamy as I helped him up from the ground.

"Thank you." He thanked me as his eyes stared down at me making me give him a firm nod before staring at the man again.

The man walked up to Tristan and moved him to his side to see if he was fully dead or not which he was so he turned to look behind him and gave a nod.

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