Chapter 1

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I was born with a tattoo but not just any tattoo it was wings tattoo. I'm 16 years old born with a strange name that my parents named me Roziel but it better than a normal name like Sam or Lisa or something like that. My father passed away when I was 9 years old not so long ago in a car accident then my mother remarried to a wicked, horried man that changed her to smoker, became an alcohol addict she wasn't like that before my dad passed away she was happy and sweet now she is a rat. She let her husband Jet to take all of his anger on me which cause to abusesion, Jet always say I'm not good enough for this family and more he also curses at me. Now my house is not a home for me at all.

"WAKE UP ROZIEL!" my eyes shot up to light beamed through the windows curtains. As an angry mother walk in the room with her hand on her hips. "Hurry up and get ready for school" I've groan and got myself up off the bed, walk in the bathroom pass my mother with my clothing in my arms. Slammed the door behind me turn on the taps letting cool water hits my skin. Then turn off the taps and walk to the mirror looking at my body that is covered in bruises.


Feeling warmth of my tattoo as my father's body on the ground coved in cuts and bruises hearing my mother screaming for help I turn to see a young boy around my age with red eyes, he smiles "Everything is going to be okay" I looked back at my father's body and back were the boy was to see he vanished and the warmth has disappeared too.

Change Flashback

"Jet stop!" I scream as the horror turned into life feeling pain everywhere he picked up his fist again and swung it over and over again.


I looked at my body then my face to see the bruise on my cheek. I slipped on my clothing with a jumper covering my arms. I tried to cover up the mark with foundation but it you can clearly see it if you are close to me.

My outfit choice is poor, just like my life, I'm currently wearing black ripped jeans, red beanie, white shirt, a big black jumper and some red vans. Grabbed my backpack that is wrecked with holes then grabbed an apple on my way out of the door and trying to avoiding Jet.

I slowly walk down the old cracked pathway to hear movement on my right wear the forest is. 'Snap' Cocked my head to hear of a branch snap coming from, searching deeper into the forest, my heart is racing and feeling it drumming into my head. My eyes squealed shut, then a deep chuckled came out of no wear shedding shivers down my spine. " Why would you close your eyes in this situation doll face?" I don't know this voice but it kinder sexy. "Open your eyes doll face" next thing you know my eyes flew open to see a guy my age he was wearing a suit but over it was a leather jacket and right beside him was a black Harley motor bike. He was also wearing sunglasses; his hair was brunet but his face was carved by angels handsome and strong, to be honest he should be a model his tan skin kissed his hair that looks amazingly groomed he looks around my age but the thing is that I couldn't tell his eyes about his emotions or feeling, yes I'm a strong reader with eyes, then a smexy smirks appearened on his face showing his white perfect teeth.

"I know I am beautiful but are you going to stand their checking me out or are you going to ride with me on my bike and drop you off school doll face" decide to take the risk before I be late for school.

My leg swung over the bike "please don't call me that" the guy nodded as well hopping on, the arms of my body clenched on his leather jackets then to his waist there was a tingle of electricity in my body after the stomach of my body flattered with butterflies. The bike roared with power, oh here we go.

After the ride swung my leg off the death trap as well taking off my helmet, I swear this guy is trying to kill me. "Umm... Thank for the ride, umm what you name?" "It is Ash but you can call me Mister Angel" hmm Ash Angel nice mane better then Roziel Espino what is he the new teacher? Holley pineapple I road with the new school teacher. "Hey calm down Roziel everything is going to be fine" "that what he says" whisper yelling at him "I'm going to go bye Mister Angel thank you" soon I walk off into the building wait how does he know my name if I haven't told him?

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