Chapter 5

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Damien was in Mari's study with Noah, learning about the history that he missed out on, and about their monarchy and the town they were in. They made sure to let Damien remember Shayne in his own time, so they avoided talking about him. But he was learning incredibly quickly, after taking only a walk to walk again, and another to run properly, he began to live up to being the best there was.

While riding a horse that many believe was once his and a youth, Ian and Shayne observed him leap over obstacles and avoid natural hazards in the heat of the moment. His skills were incredible. "Shayne, this is really your friend?" Ian laughed "He really is something" Shayne replied, feeling smug about being friends with someone special.

Damien rode in to the stables to dismount his horse, and collected his equipment, and Ian instructed a message be sent to him to have him sit and talk with Shayne about their past. He believed it was time. "Shayne, follow me" ordered Ian, "That's my job" Shayne said brightly. "You'll have to speak to Damien about your past, and only you can do that." And Shayne knew it too; Damien had recovered quickly and was relearning his skills faster than ever.

Sitting in the throne room, Ian was reading documents on his throne, with Shayne on a wall at a set of chairs, but within Ian's earshot. Damien emerged, sweaty and unkempt, much like Shayne, and Ian asked him to sit down with Shayne. It had to be done. "So" Shayne began awkwardly, "I used to be – was – still am, I hope, your best friend when you were a child, until, you know, you were taken."

Mari had told Damien exactly of his past and understood it all, so this should make sense. But despite it all, he was still wary. "I'm sure, but I won't go without convincing." This caused Ian to raise his head, and saw a confused Shayne staring a cautious Damien eye to eye. "Okay," Shayne replied calmly, "how do I do that?"

"You'll have to prove it somehow, say, some childhood knowledge only you and I would know?"

It was a reasonable request, so Shayne obliged, "Well, no one knows, but you and I made secret passages everywhere in town, from in the hollow trees into the palace to watch the knights train, to tunnels under the walls to sneak out at night and watch the stars." Shayne stated. Damien was starting to be convinced. But he needed more, "Ummmmm," Shayne thought, "you taught me the basics of hand-to-hand combat, and you taught me your signature move," Damien hummed at the memory, "you called it, Day to Night, where you'd knock someone out with a strategic kick or punch, making it 'night time' and I thought it was amazing." Shayne admitted.

"I – I do remember that, wait, are you the boy with the long hair?" Shayne laughed and nodded, he forgot he had longer hair as a child. "Then I do remember you, Shayne, it's been a very long time, but I never forgot to write to you when I could, until, well, I couldn't." The pair were interrupted by Ian, "Do you want to show us those combat skills then, assuming you're up for it?"

"Anything sire, I'm all better now." "And Shayne here and beat our chief knight with a single sword, he's improved since you've last fought I'm sure" the King smiled. So the trio all rose and made their way to the barracks.

Wes halted training at their entrances, and went to ask Ian for their visit. Wes then informed the trainees that they were to see a fight between the most skilled fighters they had to offer. The pair got prepared, Shayne exchanged his guards armor for a lighter set, and put on his leather boots made by Damien, another sign that proved their friendship from years gone by. He grabbed a blunt sword and had his dagger at the hip, ready to take Damien down how he did Wes.

Damien however was unorthodox in his preparations. He pulled off the bottom of his cotton undershirt and wrapped his hands in the dirty fabric. He rolled up his trousers and folded his boots down. He did not pick up a weapon, even when Shayne offered him a sword of his own. This confused the crowd, Wes and Shayne most of all, for he refused to fight his friend unfairly. But Damien insisted.

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