Chapter 10

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The final day of Shayne and Damien being in their palace town had arrived. Their chosen friends had joined them for a final banquet before they left in the morning. Wes, Keith, Noah, Courtney, Boze, Mari and Joven were all seated around a table, with Ian at the head, and Damien reluctantly at the other end. They toasted to the future eating meal after meal as a salute to their victories. As they ended their night; Olivia made a speech about her visions of who ended up being Damien and the prophecy that came with it, Mari thanked him for being a terrific student, Boze thanked the pair for their tactical prowess and execution of her plans, Joven thanked them on behalf of the town, Courtney wished them eternal health and Keith and Noah thanked them for bringing the pair together as friends. Lastly, Wes thanked them for their training, their skills, their support in the One Day War, and for being overall great friends and sparring partners.

Ian finally toasted to a long lasting alliance between Smosh and Aveil, which ended their evening and the guests were shortly dismissed for the night as may retired home. Shayne left for his room, leaving Damien and Ian alone. Damien left his seat and moved closer to Ian at the head of the other end of the table. "So, I never asked, but how long have you all known about my past?" he asked quietly. "Weeks before the war Damien." Replied the King. "Alright, but now can you run through some things I'll need to know, like the things that are too hard to discuss over letter?" Damien pleaded, trying to get as much help as possible. Ian gladly agreed to help and the pair talked far into the night before they too retired until the morning.

Joven had announced the day before about Damien and Shayne's departure, as so all the townsfolk had gathered to see them off. Wes and Ian accompanied them as they road towards the border crossing. Carrying all their belongings, word was sent to Aveil about Damien and as they arrived, had prepared a carriage for them to travel in. Wes agreed to take the horses, and allowed Ian, Shayne and Damien to board the carriage as they rode into the kingdom towards the castle town.

The ride was equal parts awkward, nervous and full of questions, mostly on Damien's part. "So, this is it huh." Shayne said breaking the silence. "It's been an unforgettable time Shayne, butt you and Damien are destined for more." Replied Ian solemnly. "We'll visit." Piped Damien, keeping his spirits as high as he could, "We could never leave you guys behind!" he said optimistically. Wes and Ian nodded with a smile and the slow carriage ride carried on into the afternoon.

They too were met with the same greetings with which they left, with smiling figures and cheering crowds appearing the further they got into the town. Pulling up to an enormous castle, the embellished stone bricks proved that Aveil's worth was showcased in all means of life, the architecture, the size of buildings and the amount of people. It was almost twice the size of Smosh, with double the population. As the three inside the luxury carriage stared outside to Damien's new home, Ian couldn't help but joke around. "Maybe I should ask you for a loan sometime." He laughed. "We'll see." Damien replied gleefully.

Wes dismounted his horse and handed them off to be rested in the stables for a while. The carriage doors were opened and the party exited and made their way to the castle doors. Skeptical guards stood waiting, and were questioning the companies credibility apart from Ian, as to if the rumors were true about Damien's past. They gave all the evidence they had, and were reluctantly allowed inside.

The inside walls were pristine and white, and draped with blue banners laden with geese and gold finishes. A guard rushed to their aid as they stood in the vast hallway. "Good day sirs, your majesty," he began, "which one of you is our heir?" to which Shayne shoved Damien forward, almost knocking him over. "Very well, come with me, your friends may stay for now, but shall leave by the end of the day." "Oh no sir." Shayne retorted firmly, "I am his personal guard, and best friend, and at the request of King Ian of Smosh, to uphold the peace between our kingdoms, I am to take position as his guard."

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