Chapter 3: School

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I woke up feeling groggy and felt something wrapped around me. I rubbed the sleep off my eyes and realized I was on Yang's bed. I then looked to my left. I saw nothing, but when I looked to my right, I see Yang with her arms wrapped around my waist and her face nuzzled on my chest. I was starting to blush which made me extremely nervous. "Y-Yang. wake up." I said as I tried to wake her up. She slowly wakes up to see herself wrapped around me. "Morning hot stuff." She said trying to act innocent. "First of all, good morning. Secondly, can you please let go of me? And thirdly, WHY AM I ON YOUR BED!?!" I said as I try to let go of Yang's grip. "Well I was getting a little cold and I saw you sleeping all warm and cozy so I carried you to my bed and you kept me warm like an electric blanket." said Yang. I can feel her grip slowly loosening, but I started to blush after what Yang said. "Oh. Well when you say it like that, I could stay for a couple minutes." I said as I slowly laid back down. Yang grew a smile and started to wrap her arms around my waist and her face nuzzling my chest. I started to blush as I slowly grew a small smile.


I was sitting next to my team and team JNPR in the cafeteria in my custom uniform that only had three small spikes on each shoulder when I heard a small shout from behind me. I turn around to see the assholes known as team CRDL picking on a rabbit faunas. "I can't stand discrimination." Blake said. "Me neither. They do this every day." said Weiss. I punched the table with my fist as I got up and said "Excuse me." as I walked over to team CRDL. "Hey. Come on guys, leave her alone." I said as Cardin turns around. "What are you going to do about it...shrimp." he said as he pushed me on my ass. As he and his team laughed at me, I quickly got up and my flesh started to burn away. The spikes on my uniform grew a little taller and my eyes started to flare up. I then grabbed Cardin's shoulder and said "Don't you turn your back on me." with anger. "A scary voice isn't going to scare- AHH!!" he said as he and his team started to walk backwards slowly. "BOO!!" I shouted. This made Cardin fall on his ass and the rest of his team run in fear. I chuckled at the thought of Cardin falling down. Once he got up and ran away, my flesh started to form back and I checked on the rabbit faunas. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Y-yeah I'm fine. Thank you." she replied. "No problem. If they keep bothering you, give me a call." I said as I gave her my scroll number. "Sure." she replied. I got up and walked back to my table and when I sat back down, I noticed that everyone was in shock. "What?" I asked. "That...was...AWESOME!!" said Nora. "I'll say." said Yang as she winked at me. I blushed a little when she did.


We were in Dr. Oobleck's class and I was about to fall asleep when he called my name. "Mr. McCormick!" he shouted which caused me to wake up. "Yes?" I said. "Would you please tell me an ability a faunas would have as an advantage in the dark other than night vision?" he asked. This was a piece of cake since I knew a lot of faunas back then. "Echolocation. Since bat faunas are blind, they use echolocation to see where they can move without bumping into things." I answered. "Very good, Mr. McCormick. Very good." said Dr. Oobleck as he gave a smile. I smiled back. The school bell rang and we then walked back to our dorm.

As we were walking outside, Yang wrapped her arm around me and asked "So what are we gonna do now that tomorrow's a weekend?" "Well I was thinking we could-" I said as my hand started to cramp. I looked at it and the flesh started to burn off which could mean trouble. "What's wrong?" asked Yang. "When the skin on my hand starts to burn off, that means there's evil nearby." I said as I showed her my skeletal hand. "And I know where that evil is coming from." said Weiss as she pointed to a feminine figure. "Cinder!!" I said with burning rage (no pun intended.). My eyes then flared up and my skin was fully burnt away. I used my scroll to call my locker and when it arrived, I opened it, grabbed my chain, and wrapped it around my torso. I then put two fingers up to my lips and whistled loudly. My motorcycle drove up to me and I hopped on. "Let's kill this bitch." said Yang. I stopped her and said "No. You get Ozpin while I take care of this." I said. "Are you sure?" asked Ruby. "Of course. Her soul is stained with the blood of the innocent. Now she must feel their pain." I said. Yang yelled my name, but I didn't here her as I then rode off towards Cinder. Once I was close enough, I drifted around her creating a ring of hellfire which she cannot get out of. This will be a fight she will NEVER forget.

WOW!!! 950 words. That's the longest I've ever typed. Anyway, hope you enjoy the rest of the story.

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