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By the time he arrived back to the house, the kitchen was already alive as dinner preparations were made. Water bubbled and popped as it boiled and the oven hummed. Enoch passed by a cabbage that was twice the size of his head - a cabbage only Fiona was capable of growing.

Gloria stood over a wooden cutting board, chopping up some carrots.

Enoch tried to slip in and drop the package of pork off without attracting her attention with no luck. She noticed him before he could even reach the center of the room.

"You're late," She turned away from the carrots to give him a disapproving frown. She leaned back against the counter and crossed her arms.

Enoch shot her a sideways glare then rolled his eyes, "Oh, go to hell," he muttered after checking that Miss Peregrine wasn't anywhere near.

Gloria let out an insulted "hmph," then pursed her lips, sticking her chin in the air.

"Well, just wait until Miss Peregrine comes back. She'll certainly tell you off." She sneered.

As if summoned, Miss Peregrine appeared in the doorway.
Gloria quickly shut her mouth and turned back to the cutting board. She peered back at them, a smirk settled on her lips as she waited for him to get in trouble.

"Ah Enoch, I presume you picked up tonight's dinner as I requested?" Miss Peregrine greeted him. He pulled out the wrapped package of pork and handed it to Miss Peregrine.

"Lovely," she nodded floating over to the counter where she unwrapped the meat to begin the preparation.

Unsatisfied, Gloria spun around, "Miss Peregrine, surely you realize Enoch is late! He only just arrived back after almost two hours. Why, if he were a few minutes longer, we might not have dinner ready in time!" She whined.

Miss Peregrine glanced down at her pocket watch as Gloria sent Enoch a sour smile. Enoch made a face at her before quickly turning back to Miss Peregrine as she clicked the cover of her watch closed.

"Thank you for your concern, Gloria," She said with not an ounce of gratitude, "But by my calculations, Enoch was right on time."

Gloria's smirk fell, "But-" she wanted to protest but there was no arguing with Miss Peregrine's time keeping skills.

"Of course, I factored in the extra hour he took for himself. An older peculiar like him must need a moment away from the children from time to time. It's only natural, right my dear?" She turned to Enoch, reaching out to cup his cheek in maternal adoration.

"Yes, Miss Peregrine." He agreed. Miss Peregrine always seemed to know more about the him than he cared to share.

Letting out an indignant huff, Gloria went back to her chore of helping with dinner.

"Well, I better get started on that pork." Miss Peregrine rubbed her hands together. "Enoch, would you please go let Hugh know it is his turn to set the table tonight. I believe he is in the garden."

With a nod, Enoch left, feeling satisfied that Gloria hasn't gotten the reaction she had wanted.

He found Hugh in the front garden with Fiona and Bronwyn. They knelt on the edge of a circle drawn in the dirt, playing a game of marbles.

"Enoch!" Fiona exclaimed, noticing the older boy, "Do you want to play?"

The other children looked up at him with hopeful smiles. It was rare that Enoch joined in on their games but that didn't stop them from asking.

Life and Death {Enoch O'Connor}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang