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Things were never quite the same after Enoch discovered his peculiarity. He spent more and more time in the woods working on his animals, experimenting to see what exactly he was capable of. He distanced himself from his family and the other kids his age, focusing most of his time on his projects. He went from giving simple woodland creatures new hearts to creating new animals with various parts from other organisms and even giving life to things that were never alive, such as an old teddy bear. 

While he spent a large portion of his time working on his actual creatures, the majority of his time was spent searching for parts. It wasn't easy finding what he needed. Many days were spent combing through the woods for dead animals. He was lucky to find them fully intact; Most of the time they were squished or being picked apart by scavengers. Hearts were the most vital part of his whole operation but they were the most difficult to come by. They needed to be in the best condition possible in order for it to work. 

After he first discovered his peculiarity, he took things slow. He wanted to see what he could do but within reason. He'd make a new creature if he had the resources but he wouldn't spend all his time obsessing over his work.

But as he grew older things began to change.

It was his first day of year five, his very last year of primary school. He showed up with just as much rigor as the previous years, excited to learn and hopeful that he'd make some friends. His uniform was new and freshly pressed and he'd arrived early after dropping his little sister off at nursery school. 

Sitting upright with all his supplies set out neatly in front of him, he swung his legs back and forth, waiting for the other students to arrive. As they filed in, they took seats at tables with their friends, leaving the chair next to Enoch empty. Enoch was overjoyed when a little boy wandered over to him and put down his school bad.

"Hi, I'm Wilbur! I'm new." The little boy with scruffy brown hair introduced himself with a gap-toothed grin.

Enoch grinned back, "I'm Enoch!" 

The boys shook hands and that was the start of a new friendship. They'd goof off in class together, play games out on the schoolyard, and trade snacks at lunch. For the first few weeks of school, Wilbur became the closest friend Enoch ever had. And so Enoch decided that Wilbur would be the first person he'd ever tell his secret to. 

After school one day, Enoch asked, "Do you want to come to my secret hiding place with me?" 

Intrigued by the promise of a secret, Wilbur agreed and Enoch led him towards the forest. 

In the distance, the orange, red, and yellow autumn leaves rose up along the horizon, like far-off flames burning upwards towards the sky. Some leaves had already begun to fall, scattering the ground in bright colors and creating a loud 'crunch' with every step. Enoch always considered fall to be the best season for the atmosphere the changing of the seasons brought. While the leaves were dying, they brought such beauty, as a last gift to the world before the chill of winter.

When they reached the treeline of the forest, Wilbur paused, "Are we going in there?" He pointed into the shadowy woods, his eyes growing wide.

Enoch nodded, "Yes!"

Wilbur started to get cold feet, "My mum tells me to stay away from the forest. It's dark and there could be animals that attack me!" He stared into the shadowed forest, nibbling on his lip.

Enoch shook his head, trying to reassure his friend, "It's not scary. I go in here all the time."

Wilbur glanced into the forest once more with a frown but agreed to follow Enoch inside. Enoch guided his new friend through the trees, knowing each bump and turn by heart.

Life and Death {Enoch O'Connor}Where stories live. Discover now