the one with the dream

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I hope to see you again some day.

Not in an extravagant setting, not in some notebook-esque (because we were all about the notebook-esque weren't we?) moment where our eyes meet and time will stop.

I want us to meet at the queerest of places. Several years from now when you've grown taller (if that's possible) I've grown smarter and above all, we've grown apart.

I'll probably be tired, just like I am today, but tired for different reasons. Maybe my coffee had too much sugar, or maybe my dog had been sick, or someone at work messed up. And you'll be you, brilliantly so, that irritating smile still plastered on your face. Or maybe that smile has lost its spark now, and maybe your hair is less chaotic. Maybe things didn't go your way, or maybe you're an artist now (ha, as if) there are a lot of maybe's here so we'll just deal with the simpler ones.

So maybe I'll be irritated when I can't find change, or maybe you'll sigh when the guy standing in line starts a fight with the guy at the counter. Maybe you'll be with a girl laughing next to you, or I'll be with a boy who's muttering sarcastically in my ear, clad in a band shirt he likes and I'm punching his arm.

Maybe my laugh will send a tingle down your spine and you will look behind you, but I won't catch your eye. Maybe you'll stare too long, trying to place where my you'd seen that short girl with that vivacious laugh (one you'd once memorized) before and maybe I'll catch your eye and I'll stare right back trying to place where I knew you from because now you'll be older and taller (if that's even possible) and we would have grown apart.

And in that split second I'll remember.

And so will you.

And maybe I'll gasp out loud, maybe I'll just give you a small smile. Maybe you'll laugh to yourself in disbelief, running your hand through your now less chaotic hair and whisper my name in the irritating lilt of yours.

Maybe you'd go back down the line to see me, maybe we'd just nod at each others, strangers who knew each other once upon a dream.

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