Chapter One

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Emilys pov

As I entered my new home, I could practically feel the magical energy racing off of it.  I was immediately welcomed by a man in his late fifties.

"Ah, Miss Conway, you're late. I'm Victor." He introduced himself. 

"I.. I'm sorry.. traffic" I excused.

"Well, we have much to discuss. First and foremost, the room situation. We had no girl rooms left, so you will have to be in room 108 with a boy, named Fabian. Will this be a problem?" Victor asked.

"Um.. no not at all, sir." I responded, a little nerve wracked.

"All the kids are in the next building, in class. Here is your schedule. We shall bring your stuff to your room, and you can go to your lessons." He spoke, handing me a paper.

"Alright, thank you." I said, heading out. I was a little stressed about having classes on the first day. 

It was a fast walk, and before I knew it, I was standing outside of my new biology room. I took a deep breath before pushing the door open.

Immediately, every face in the room turned to stare at me.

"Ah... You must be Emily? Hello dear, I'm Mr. Mills. Welcome to the school!" A man smiled at me.

"Hello." I smiled back, feeling all gazes on me.

"You can sit next to Alfie.. Alfie, raise your hand." He said, gazing to a boy in the back, who lifted his hand up.

As I walked to the seat next to him, I heard all the whispering, making me feel insecure.

The boy named Alfie smiled at me, as I sat down.

The teacher started up the lesson again, as I took in my surroundings.. my sight stopping on the boy on the other side of me.

He was stunning, and his piercing blue eyes stared back into mine. Something about him felt too right.

His eyes shifted, and he seemed unable to move his eyes off of me, scanning me up and down, before quickly looking back into my eyes.

Alfie coughed loudly beside me, making me jump a little in my seat. Jerome shot him a glare and we proceeded to work...

Soon, the bell rang. Alfie and the mysterious cute boy headed out the door, exchanging quiet conversation.

"Well, she's probably the prettiest girl I've seen. So yea I'm kind of overwhelmed, asshat." Was all I heard from Jerome.

Wait.. Was he talking about me?

What did it matter? He would never like me if he found out about me being a little.

I luckily learned I'd arrived around lunch time as I followed the kids swarming to the cafeteria.

Everyone seemed to have a friend group to sit with. I awkwardly just sat by myself, at a mall table near the trash can. I pulled out my phone and casually began to scroll through my tumblr.

"Emily, right?" I heard a voice ask. I looked up to see a girl with wavy, long brown hair, and a kind smile.

"Yea, hi." I smiled.

"Want to come sit with my friends? We are all in your house! I was in your boat last year, an American exchange." She smiled.

"Sure, thank you." I said, awkwardly standing up and following her.

We walked over to a table that had some familiar faces, and Alfie and the cute boy. I took a seat next to the cute boy, as Nina sat next to a dark haired boy, and she held his hand.

"Guys, this is Emily. She's an American exchange student!" Nina introduced me.

"Ah, so this is my new roommate! Hey, I'm Fabian." The boy holding her hand said.  He had kind eyes.

"They put you with the safest boy possible, no worries. I'm Amber." A pretty blonde haired girl said. (mara and joy are not in this story btw)

"SAFEST?! What's that supposed to mean?" Alfie asked, making me giggle.

"She means the rest of you are just a mess. I'm Patricia." Another girl said, smiling.

"I'm Mick." Smiled a nice looking blonde haired boy.

"Sup, I'm Eddie!" Another even cuter blonde boy said.

Nina looked at me, "Oh! The lunch line is up there." 

"I'm okay, I'm not hungry." I awkwardly lied. 

"Are you sure you don't want half of my-" Mick was quickly cut off by the mysterious cute boy pulling a bag of chips out of his pocket and offering it to me, and everyone stared at him, confused.

"Man pockets, you can hide anything in there." I stated, receiving a laugh from everyone.

"I'm just full of surprises. I'm Jerome." He sent me a wink, making me blush as I accepted the bag.

"So how do you like it here so far?" Fabian smiled.

"It seems really nice!" I smiled.

"Have you met Victor yet?" Patricia asked.

I made a face, "Oh yea, he's hella sketchy."

"He's a super creep, always watching us." Eddie shuddered.

"That's only because of-" Amber started, but was quickly cut off by everyone shushing her.

"The mystery? The treasure?" I said, biting into a chip, assuming they knew.

"How do you know about that?" Nina asked, as everyone had a confused look.

"My Great Grandpa was best friends with Victor. He knows everything. That's one of the reasons my parents sent me here. To help solve this whole mystery so Victor can do no more harm." I shrugged.

"Well, we have a little club called Sibuna. It's Anubis backwards. We are about halfway to solving this mystery. You wanna join?" Amber asked.

"Hell yea." I smiled. 

The bell rang, and we all headed off to class...

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