Chapter 2

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The sound of beeper machine screamed annoyingly, woke me up from my dream. The room still at the dim state. I rubbed my eyes to got clearer view of my surrounding, stretching my body while rolling on the bed back and forth. I checked upon the digital clock on the bedside table, 6:15 AM it showed.

Shit! The meeting would be start in 45 minutes!

I hurriedly jumped from my bed and for my bad luck, my vision became pitch dark for some moments. I shook my head while holding the wall. I need a minute to got my clearer vision back, the struggle for having anemia. After things got better i made my way to the bathroom and did my morning routine as turbo as i could.

I wore a pair of navy cotton hoodie and high waisted skinny jeans. Put on navy converse. Applied a simple make ups as mascara, eyeliner and vampire red lip tint in a rush, glad it didn't turn out like a Halloween make up. Seized my navy converse bag and stromed out from my apartment room like a pro runner. I tied my hair into high ponytail inside the elevator, and fixed my bangs through the elevator mirror-y wall.

I took a glance over my wristwatch and gladly i still had 22 minutes left.

The ding sound could be heard and i hurriedly stepped out. Soon i reached the apartment building's entrance, the weather seemed to hate me; it was snowing madly. Shit i didn't expecting it'd be snowing!

Dude, i was only with my hoodie. I was contemplating whether should i went back took my coat or should i just run to the bus stop. It's fucking 18 minutes left.

'Run!' My demon screamed. Before i could sprint, someone held the top of my head with a palm. I was taken backwards.

"What now?!" I fucking late!" I spatted while stomping my foot.

"Are you crazy? It's -7 you could freeze in no time!" He nagged.

"18 Minutes left! 3 minutes before my bus arrive!" I impatiently yelled, and then he handed me his coat. "Wear this" And he left. I run with all my might to catch the bus in time, but unluckily i slipped on the snow and my left leg hit the apartment's gate while my left arm kicked a wall. I heard 'crack' sound and i shouted his name before pitch dark filled my vision. "Hanbiiiinnnnn!"


My eyes fluttered open, i could see white ceiling, white wallpaper with floral pattern. My upper palm was hooked with a tube which was being connected into IV pocket which hung few meters above my head.

"You up" He scanned my face, a worried expression could be seen on his face.

"What happ—" I asked but sudden realization hit me. "Okay i remember" I exclaimed and he exhaled deeply.

"Should i feel bad or should i laugh?" He made a gesture as if he was in between hard options. I wanted to punch him but my whole body seemed to said the opposite, it was hurt no joke.

"Aaaahhhh!" I groaned, moving my body was a bad thing i guess.

"Yah! Don't move a single inch! You literally broke your whole bones" I knew he was  exaggerating situation. "Tch..." I hitched.

"Seriously you scared me to death! Some blood was oozing from your left sleeve! I was about to left you cause you know i hate blood but i do care about you and i brought you here asap" He story telled. I knew he was afraid of blood but he managed to swept his trauma just for helping me.

"Thanks" I calmed and thanked him wholeheartedly.

"You should be"

"I really mean it. Thank you so much oppa" I threw him the most sincere smile of mine.

"You alone? Where's the other?" I scanned the room but the faces i wanted to saw was nowhere to be seen, especially 'him'.

"What?" He spatted. "I helped you by my self and you are looking for anyone else? I'm hurt baby" He rolled his eyes. "Ha ha ha" I answered monotonously and made a flat expression.

"Where's DK?" I asked nonchalantly. "DK as it D-Kim Hanbin?" He joked. "Nevermind" I roled my eyes.

"He went home around 10 minutes ago, with the boys too" He informed and i just nodded.

"Okay then. Anyway how long i fainted?"
"You were here since around 7:30 AM and now 5:45 PM so its around 10 hours then. I abandoned my meeting just for you, you should be proud" He boasted, wiggling his eyebrows.

"You shouldn't do that, you make me feel bad tho. You should go back to the building, sorry for causing much troubles for you" I apologized. "Nah it's okay" He threw me a genuine smile and ruffled my hair softly.
"Thanks for keep me company oppa" He just replied with a smile.

"How's your feel----" He didn't even finished his sentence and dad was interrupted us, he barged into my room.

"Just make a resign letter and move to the hospital Ra Eun. How many times do i have to tell you that working as an art director just lead you to bad fortune! If you ever listen to me to work here as a doctor just like your mom, you wouldn't end up on this hospital bed! I never liked you being an art director, never! It's a nonsense job! Look at your oppa, now he's the director of YG Stage, he's a successfull man right now! And you!? You just bring shame on this family!" He boiled, veins has popped up from his neck. He massaged his forehead while breathing heavily.

"Dad, please i don't wanna start a fight, it's nonsense. I'm tired. I need a rest" I calmly replied. I averted my gaze. My mind was hazy, my eyes were heavy. I felt weak as if the whole world was crumbling beneath my feet. He let out a deep sigh and stormed out of my room.

"Are you okay?" He groggily asked. "Act if you never heard that before" I smiled to him."S-sorry" He gave me a sympathetic looks and i replied him with a smile.

"Can you help me? Bring me to the window, please?" 

"O-okay...." But he didn't move a single inch. "No! What are you doing!? Are you out of your mind!!?" He roared.

"Calm your tits dude, i just wanna see outside tho" I giggled.

"I can't believe you" He shook his head vigorously. "Please" I pleaded.

He was lifting me gently and positioned me on my wheelchair. He pushed me slowly and stopped centimeters just before the window. I opened the curtain to catched a better view of cityscape. His phone suddenly rang, he had a small conversation before he hung up the call.

"Sorry Ra Eun, i need to go now. Is it okay?" He asked nervously. "It's okay oppa, just go. Thanks for everything" I smiled.

New update! Hope yall enjoy it^^ Don't forget to leave your comments and press the star as well. Thanks a lot!!!

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