Chapter 4

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  (warning: This chapter was also rewritten and will probably be pretty short.)

    A couple of hours had passed as Eren was watching TV. Erwin suddenly spoke, "Eren, we need to head to the store to grab some things." Eren looked up and nodded in response. Erwin grabbed his keys and spoke, "we will grab breakfast on the way." 

   "Sounds good to me." Eren said softly as he slipped on his shoes and walked towards Erwin who was standing at the door.

*Small time skip because I don't feel like writing out the whole drive to the mall*

   The car pulled into the driveway and the two males got out of the car. Eren looked up at Erwin, "what do we need Erwin? We can split up and get different things so we can get out of here faster." Erwin nodded, "Okay, you can grab the milk, coffee creamer, and some cheese. I'll get everything else." Eren processed the sentence and items in his head then nodded, "Okay, Let's go." The two headed into the store and split paths.

   Eren was searching for the milk when he heard foot steps behind him. He tried to turn around but before he could do so on his own he was grabbed by the collar of his shirt and yanked from behind, "YOU LITTLE SHIT, YOU REALLY THINK ITS COOL TO SNITCH, NOW DON'T YOU?!" Eren's eyes widened as he recognized the voice.

(Hey, I'm sorry if I'm confusing anyone with all this editing and rewriting.)

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