the morning

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Spinach can woke up in her cabinet/room yawning. Spinach then stepped in cake. "WHO WAS MAKING CAKE IN THE MORNING" yelled spinach. "I was, it's Shrignold's birthday today" said many (yellow guy). "But cake makes your teeth all grey" said spinach looking at the cake decorated in hearts. Manny ignored her and set the cake on the counter fixing the frosting. "Well I'm gonna go" spinach said leaving. "Hey could you distract Shrignold" Manny said. 


Spinach has been looking for Shrignold but instead she found Tony. "Shrignold has been pestering me to join his love cult all morning" said Tony. "That's Shrignold" spinach said. Tony left and spinach went back to searching for Shrignold who must be near. Shrignold then popped out of nowhere and said "Oh hi spinach I think I found who your special one is". Spinach wanted to go back to the house but she had to keep him busy while the party was being set up. "Who do you think it is" spinach responded in an unpleasant tone. "Larry" Shrignold shouted. "W-what Larry? Why" spinach choked. "It all makes sense" Shrignold explained "Sketch is  female, Manny ,Harry and Duck wouldn't work out, Bread is too young-". "Ok no need to tell me" Spinach said cutting him off.


Spinach had been talking to Shrignold till her phone buzzed. She got a message from Manny saying they are done setting up for the party. Spinach took Shrignold to the house. "Why are we going to the house" Shrignold asked. "You'll see" Spinach said.

the days of spinach canWhere stories live. Discover now