wednesday - day eight

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Dear Evan Hansen,

This is going to be a good day. I can feel it rattling in my bones, like I've got goddamn arthritis or something. It pumping in my veins, and I've never been more excited!




More excited than being officially pen pals with me?



Hmm. I'll have to think about that.




Well, I've got my answer: 50/50. Well, more like 51/49. Lol. It just feels like it's something . . . bigger.


Hey. Today really was a good day. My mom texted me. She said we were gonna have Taco Tuesday next week. Also, she said one of her regular patients gave her something and told her to give it to me. (My mom's a nurse.) I'm starting to think this is too good to be true. Maybe something bad will happen later.


Hey, don't say that. You deserve good days, Hansen. You deserve good days everyday.


Haha, then someone might have to take the burden of having all my bad days. I gotta warn them though: they might break.


If only I could have all your bad days for you, Hansen. If only life worked that way.  Anyway, what's the thing? Your mom gave you any ideas? It's good that you have something to look forward to now!


No thanks, Maria. I'd hate for you to deal with all the nasty crap in my life. And no. My mom didn't tell me anything.


Well, gotta keep life exciting.


As exciting as it gets for a person like me.


Hey, what do you mean "a person like you"? You think you don't deserve some excitement? Think again, Ev.


I mean, this is the happiest I've been since . . . I don't know. I'm trying not to be too happy, though. The sadness might come later, and drag me down faster than I can blink.


Aw, don't say that. I'm glad you're happy, Ev, I really am. But you shouldn't hold back. (Not that I'm forcing you or anything.)


Thanks, Maria.


Anytime, Hansen. Anytime.

Dear Evan Hansen [1] √Where stories live. Discover now