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Trembling; his hands were trembling. He tried to shake the uneasy feeling that was bubbling up inside him. After endless tries, he concluded that the uneasy feeling was there for a reason.

"Guys, I don't know but something feels weird about this," Jungkook motioned to the abandoned factory, "about this place."

Namjoon patted his back, "You're not the only one." he mumbled to him as he readjusted the black mask that covered his features.

"Let's just go and think this through, reestablish our plan." his voice wavered.

Jin furrowed his eyebrows before speaking up, "Jungkookie, we are already here," his hand messed up the young boy's hair, "we can't go back now, nothing bad will happen if we are all together."


But, even if he agreed, that feeling was still buried deep inside him.

"What? You're scared now?" Yugyeom asked as he rested against the van.

Jungkook took a deep breath, "No, never."

He felt Nari's small but delicate digits intertwine with his. She gave him peace. Just one touch could make him feel at ease.

He loved her and he was so happy that she was finally his, and that he was finally hers.

"Change of plans, some of us will go inside with Yugyeom." Namjoon responded.

"I'm going." Jin instantly let out as he gripped the gun that he held to his chest.

Hyuk cleared his throat, "Me too."

"Okay. Taehyung, Yoongi and Jimin will stay outside with the girls and Yugyeom's people." Namjoon's voice seemed fragile. He was worried.

They all were.

Maybe they weren't the only ones who had that strange feeling.

"Boss." one of Yugyeom's people called as he handed him his gun.

Yugyeom nodded before gesturing towards the back entrance, "Let's go."

Hye kissed Namjoon before hugging him.

This was always her way of telling Namjoon to be careful, at least that's what Namjoon told him once.

Before leaving, Jungkook ran to Nari who had now placed her mask on top of her facial features. Gently, he slid the plastic item upwards until her lips were visible.

"I'll be back," he smiled, "we'll be back." his lips found hers instantly in a gentle kiss.

He pulled away before putting back her mask on her face.

She smiled at him but he could see her uneasiness showing.

He caught up with the others before hearing her call him.

"I love you." she answered.

His heart skipped a thousand beats and his smile was even bigger than before, "I love you more."

But, not everything is meant to last forever.


"Everything okay?" Jimin's voice was heard through the intercom.

"Yes, there's nothing in here." Namjoon told him as they walked with their guns hand.

Hyuk sighed, "We need to keep looking for any clues," he kept looking everywhere, "if we can find anything that leads us to that bastard."

Through the Fire | j.jk حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن