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      "Is he asleep?"

       "They're both asleep."

        "Wake them up."

         "No, they look cute."

         "Hoseok! Wake them up, we have to get all our luggage in the house."

Jungkook felt his shoulder being shaken by a hand. He groaned and turned to the other side, he just wanted to sleep. Nonetheless, the hand kept shaking his shoulder. He had felt as he moved, that his waist was being held tight by small hands. Nari was cuddled up by his side on the seat next to his.

"Wake up." Hoseok said to him as he kept shaking him.

Jungkook sighed and opened his eyes. Nari had placed her head on his chest and had her hands wrapped around his waist.

      "We're here." Hoseok smiled.

       Jungkook nodded and he felt Nari loosen up.

     "Hi, baby." he said to her as they stretched.

     She smiled up to him, "Hello."

      Placing a kiss on his cheek, she began getting out of the car. As Jungkook got out, Nari and him were met  with their other friends who were taking all their belongings toward the beach house.

   Yes, the beach house.

    Jungkook felt Nari stop. He turned around and found her gawking at the sight before them. The house was big, a mansion. At the front of the house was the beautiful beach with the sun reflecting itself on the water.

"Wow." He heard her mumble.

Jungkook chuckled, "yeah, wow."

"Come on love birds, let's get in!" Namjoon startled both as they were pushed into the shore.

"What about the suitcases?" Nari asked as he continued to push both teens.

"Tae and Hobi are taking them inside," the leader smiled at both teens, "now let's have fun!" he ran to the water and started splashing.

    Slowly, all the teens forgot about everything. All their troubles had disappeared in that exact moment. No one could make them forget what they all felt at that very moment.

   They felt freedom, love, calmness, happiness.

    Happiness has taken control of their body, mind and soul.

    They were free.

    Jungkook took Nari from her waist and lifted her.
    He placed his lips on hers and spun with her, "I love you."

   Her fond smile appeared across her face, "I love you."

    Jungkook was startled by Yoongi. He had put him in a headlock as soon as Nari was put down.

    "Cute." He chuckled and they continued playing on the beach, watching as the sunset blessed the skies before them.


Hello! I have been absent, I know 😔 I took my finals and I am done, meaning holiday break!

This is another filler chapter. The next chapter I will try to make it longer.

Thank you for your love and patience. Also, thank you for 54K reads and 2K votes! You guys are absolutely incredible.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. See you guys on the next one! Love you all so much.


Through the Fire | j.jk Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin