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      The air was tense. Everyone in the house stood, expectingly. Namjoon had his head on his hands, clenching the ends of his hair strongly.

     "What should we do?" Taehyung asked as he held Eun's hand tightly.

     Namjoon sighed, "We have to find him, now."

     "I think we should wait at least until tomorrow to find–"

    "Are you crazy? He set us up so that all of Busan is looking for us," Jimin replied, "We can't wait any longer."

     "He's right. We have plenty of time to find him, but we have to be careful." Namjoon responded.

     Jungkook hated this. He hated that now they were being chased by everyone he knew. Even if the only people who knew their identity were them and now Zik, he was still worried.

"I think it's time." Yun said to Namjoon who looked at him confidently.

"Time for what?" Hyuk asked as he watched them both.

"The plan that we haven't told you guys about." Namjoon responded.

Hoseok furrowed his eyebrows and let out, "Care to explain?"

No words were exchanged. Glances were shared and nods were seen. It was time for them to know what was going to happen. It was time for them to be ready for the huge change that their lives were about to experience.


  "You called them?" Jin asked Yoongi who stood beside him.

   Yoongi nodded before turning to Jungkook and Namjoon, "They are on their way."

   Namjoon nodded.

    They had moved to the back of the alley way that was in the corner of the prep. Namjoon had contacted Zik to let him know that they had 'surrendered'.

    "I hope the girls are okay." Namjoon replied.

    Jungkook agreed, they had left the girls with Nari's mother and sister.

"Do you think that they are going to know about us?" Hoseok asked.

"I don't think so, at least Zik yes but the others–"

"Well, well, well. Look who it is." Zik's voice startled the men.

"Zik." Yun, who had accompanied them, replied.

"Yun, nice to see you in one piece." He said jokingly.

Yun held in a breath, "I could say the same to you, kid."

"So, what was so important for you to call me, besides trying to calm the waters as you said." Zik asked.

Yoongi chuckled, "Why do you think we called you? Have you seen the news lately?"

"Huh, no. I don't think I have," Zik turned to his men, "have you?"

The six men shook their head with him.

"Cut it out," Namjoon walked toward Zik with anger and clenched his fist in his shirt and held him closer to his face, "Why did you rob Suk's place and blamed it on bangtan?"

Zik let out a scary laugh that made Jungkook gulp in fear. Zik looked at him and smiled.

"I want to watch your empire fall to the ground, watch you all suffer," he looked at Jungkook, "especially him."

"And if all I have to do is let you all rot in a jail cell, then that's what I will do." he let out as he chuckled.

But just as he did, the blue and red lights of the police cars lit up the alleyway.

The seven boys looked at each other before smiling.

It was time to begin their plan.


Hello! I'm sorry that this is a short, it's a filler chapter for what seems to be almost the end of this Zik vs Bangtan story or arc.

Also, I've been meaning to talk about the new concept pictures. I LOVE THEM AND THEY ALL LOOK AMAZING, THE BOYS LOOK INCREDIBLE LIKE YESS! What did u guys think about the pics?

also, thank you for your support and love to the story! Please continue to vote and comment. You guys mean a lot to me 💜

Have a great day/night/week/month. Ily all so much. See you in the next chapter!


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