Chapter 1: Unexpected

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Mikasa looked up briskly as she continued walking. Other people where walking past her, she was aware but she wanted not much to do with them.
    Someone walked into me and I whipped around like a snake. I managed to keep a fairly cold expression in my face and looked up. My eyes met with bright blue eyes which stared back semi cautiously. I somewhat forced myself to relax a little as I realized it was just Armin. Armin, after realizing awkwardly I wasn't going to hurt him in any manner calmed a bit as well,
   "Haven't seem you around lately" He stated somehow forcing a lighthearted tone into his voice. I nodded
"Same for you" I answered back coolly. I noticed a freshly printed picture he was carrying in his left hand. After examining him for a few seconds I noticed that the reason he wasn't using his right hand was because it appeared to be injured. His wrist was slightly swollen too. I tilted my head and focused back on Armin's face.
"Is that normal?" I asked. It was a stupid question really, and had a simple answer. Something felt right though about asking it. Armin shrugged. Something came over me though, and I questioned more. Which wasn't normal for me considering I was known for being a bit cold and quiet. Armin took a step back a little and smiled slightly. And the 'conversation' started to die down.
"Your a great friend Mikasa" The moment those words escaped Armin's mouth I froze. I stammered and I felt my face flush awkwardly.I ducked my head to hide it and used my scarf slightly to cover my face.
"No problem. You are too" I knew I sounded stupid. It didn't sound like my normal cool and collected tone. If anything it sounded like the Horse Face. Some of the other scouts where watching them curiously as I left without another word.

(((Well that was interesting to write. I'll try to get the next part out soon))

-ATTACK ON TITAN- Fanfiction, Eremika, Arumika ((IDK ))Where stories live. Discover now