Chapter Three~Him or Your Career

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Vikk's POV

"Kayleigh?" I say shocked.

"Yes sweetheart and you know, I've been thinking baby," she smiles.

"Don't call him that," Simon says looking at her dead in the eyes.

"Hush now little Minter, I wouldn't test me too hard if I were you," She says.

"Well, what if I want to huh?" He says.

"Minter, do not make me reveal something to a little blonde girl with bright blue eyes that has shown a hint of interest to you," she smirks.

He looked at her scared and confused.

"What are you talking about Kay?" I ask.

"I'm saying stay away from my workers," she says angrily, "Don't you dare try to put them under with you!"

"Kayleigh, you broke up with me! This makes no sense!" I say.

"Taylor and Alicia. They go with you and your little friend Minty over here, their career is over in a heartbeat. If not, we get back together and they live happily."

"Please... don't do this to Simon, do anything bad to me just not Simon."

"Fine. Taylor may never go with you again. Friends are okay but no dating."

Taylor's POV

"I still don't understand why the new coffee machine hasn't been brought in yet, it's been at least three months!" Alicia says.

"Well they said break time is over at- oh hey Kay! What's going on girlfriend?" I ask my boss.

"I cannot believe it!" Kayleigh cries.

"Oh sweetie, what's wrong?" Alicia asks.

"Nothing... except for one thing..."

"Anything, we're here for you," I say.

"You two are getting promoted to my job!" She smiles.

I sigh in relief and excitement.

A new senior manager?!

"Oh my god I can't believe it!" I smile at Alicia.

"Me neither girlfriend!" Alicia says.

"Oh, and Taylor? May I speak to you for a minute?" Kayleigh asks.

I nod as we head into her office.

"So, Vikk huh?" She asks.

"Yes- Wait... how'd you know about him?" I ask.

"Taylor, trust me... he tried to do awful things to me. I just do not want you in that situation," Kayleigh says.

"I understand your concern but he seems so nice and- sweet..."

"Remember that how Alex was? At first at least..." she says turning.

"Kay... you're absolutely right! What was I thinking trusting some guy I met three days ago? I trust my best friend and employer more to be honest," I say.

"Good choice," She says.

Vikk's POV

"Vikk... you okay?" Simon asks.

"Yeah, I wasn't even about to ask her anyways. I don't like Taylor in that way," I say, "They're just friends you know?"

"Yeah I got it. Anyways, they should hang with us again, like a party or something."

"Yeah... I guess we should," I say.

Why is it that we keep fucking around with them?

Am I attached?

Fucked around and got attached to you...

Taylor's POV


Weird. Kay promotes us and tells me stay away from Vikk?

Oh well...

As work comes to a close I pack up and head to the car with Alicia.

"Taylor, Simon and Vikk want to go to a party with us," Alicia says.

"Okay, once we get home we'll get ready," I say.

Vikk... do I want to get attached to Vikk or stick with my very livelihood?



I can't be falling for him...

Vikk's POV

"Simon I don't want to go to this stupid YouTube party," I groan.

"Vikk, it'll be fun I promise!" He says, "I'll invite Taylor and Alicia."

I sigh in relief.

Taylor has just such a calming aura around her all the time. An intense calming aura. Josh and JJ had already left the house since they both had families to care for. The house felt emptied. It'd be nice to see JJ and Josh again after so long.

"Hey Alicia!" Simon says.

Alicia's POV

"No sir we can only offer a meeting at two tomorrow, yes PM. Okay, I'll let her know, buh bye!" My assistant says putting the phone down, "Ma'am you have a two o' clock tomorrow afternoon with the president of productions plus."

"Got it," I say writing it down.

"Hello, thank you for calling Ms. Alicia Flaring's office how may I help- ohhhhh okay, she'll be right on with you," she says, "Alicia, it's Simon."

"I'd like to speak to him alone please, take a ten minute break," I say picking up, "Hello?"

"Hey Alicia! So me and Vikk have a YouTuber party to go to it's a masquerade ball and I wanna know... are you available tonight?" He asks.

"Oh yes! Definitely! And me and Tay have the perfect outfits for it! Alright well Simon, I gotta get back to work you know?" I smile.

"Oh, of course, goodbye I'll see you two tonight, bye!" He says.

"Bye Simon," I squeal.

I lowkey have been catching something. Not a flu not a cold.


Taylor's POV

"Hmmmm.... I don't see why we can't fix the glitch in this section," I say.

"Well Ms. Miller, we can always try redoing it in some other form or- maybe even restart?" The man asks.

"No! This is due tomorrow and I want a thorough and clean copy by the end of today! Pronto!" I say, "Well, it's almost closing time, better get to it."

I check out of work and walk to the car with Alicia.

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